DD4hep - The AIDA detector description toolkit for high energy physics experiments
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNCLHEPCLHEP namespace
oNdd4hepUtility namespace to support TGeo units
oNDD4hepNamespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
|oNAlignmentsNamespace for the alignment part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
||oNDDAlign_standard_operationsHelper namespace to specialize functionality
||\NInternaAlignments internal namespace
|oNConditionsNamespace for the conditions part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
||oNInternaConditions internal namespace
||\NTestNamespace for test environments in DDCond
|oNDDAlignNamespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities
|oNDDEveNamespace for the DD4hep event display specializations
|oNDDRecNamespace for the reconstruction part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
|oNDDSegmentationNamespace for base segmentations
|oNErrorsUtility namespace: Errors
|oNGeometryNamespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
||\NDetectorToolsHelper namespace used to answer detector element specific questons
|oNParsersNamespace for the AIDA detector for utilities using boost::spirit parsers
|oNSimulationNamespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
||oNGeant4GeometryMapsHelper namespace defining data types for the relation information between geant4 objects and dd4hep objects
||oNSetupConvenience namespace to ease the setupup of DDG4 applications
||\NTestConvenience namespace to separate test classes from the DDG4 simulation toolkit
|oNUtilsUtility namespace to support boost::spirit
|\NXMLNamespace containing utilities to parse XML files using XercesC or TinyXML
| \NConditionsNamespace of conditions unicode tags
oNDD4hep_GenericSurfaceInstallerPluginPlugin to install measurement surfaces on a generic sliced detector
oNDDSurfacesNamespace for the tracking surfaces of the AIDA detector description toolkit
oNEVENTLCIO namespace. See http://lcio.desy.de
oNEventSeedSet the event seed for each event
oNGeant4CalorimeterActionSensitive detector meant for calorimeters
oNGeant4ExtraParticlesPhysicsConstructor to add additional particles to geant
oNGeant4OpticalCalorimeterActionSensitive detector meant for optical calorimeters
oNGeant4RangeCutPhysicsConstructor to change the global range cut
oNGeant4ScintillatorCalorimeterActionSensitive detector meant for scintillator calorimeters
oNGeant4TrackerActionSensitive detector meant for tracking detectors, will produce one hit per step
oNGeant4TrackerCombineActionSensitive detector meant for tracking detectors will combine multiple steps of the same track in the same sensitive volume into a single hit
oNGeant4TrackerWeightedActionSensitive detector meant for tracking detectors with multiple ways to combine steps
oNIMPLLCIO namespace. See http://lcio.desy.de
oNIOLCIO namespace. See http://lcio.desy.de
oNLCIOFileReaderPlugin to read lcio files
oNROOTROOT utility namespace. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html
|\NMathROOT namespace for mathematical operations and corresponding classes
oNSurfaceManagerPlugin that creates a SurfaceManager object and attaches it to lcdd as a user extension object
oNTestsTest namespace
oNUTILLCIO namespace. See http://lcio.desy.de
\NXmlToolsNamespace containing XML tools