DD4hep - The AIDA detector description toolkit for high energy physics experiments
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DD4hep::Handle< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DD4hep::Handle< T >, including all inherited members.

_ptr() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
access() const DD4hep::Handle< T >
assign(Implementation *n, const std::string &nam, const std::string &title)DD4hep::Handle< T >
assign(_Segmentation *s, const std::string &n, const std::string &)DD4hep::Handle< T >
bad_assignment(const std::type_info &from, const std::type_info &to)DD4hep::Handle< T >static
clear()DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
data() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
Handle()=defaultDD4hep::Handle< T >
Handle(const Handle< T > &e)=defaultDD4hep::Handle< T >
Handle(T *e)DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
Handle(Q *e)DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
Handle(const Handle< Q > &e)DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
handle_t typedefDD4hep::Handle< T >
Implementation typedefDD4hep::Handle< T >
isValid() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
m_elementDD4hep::Handle< T >
name() const DD4hep::Handle< T >
name() constDD4hep::Handle< T >
object() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
operator T &() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
operator!() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
operator*() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
operator->() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
operator<(const Handle< T > &e) const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
operator=(const Handle< T > &e)=defaultDD4hep::Handle< T >
operator==(const Handle< T > &e) const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
operator>(const Handle< T > &e) const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
ptr() const DD4hep::Handle< T >inline
verifyObject() const DD4hep::Handle< T >