20 using namespace DD4hep;
View TEveWindowSlot * slot
virtual Projection & AddAxis()
Add projection axis to the view.
virtual ~RhoZProjection()
Default destructor.
class View View.h DDEve/View.h
class Projection Projection.h DDEve/Projection.h
virtual Projection & CreateRhoZProjection()
Create Rho-Z projection.
virtual View & Map(TEveWindow *slot)
Map the projection view to the slot.
virtual View & CreateScenes()
Create the geometry and the event scene.
virtual View & Build(TEveWindow *slot)
Build the projection view and map it to the given slot.
ClassImp(RhoZProjection) RhoZProjection
Initializing constructor.
The main class of the DDEve display.
class RhoZProjection RhoZProjection.h DDEve/RhoZProjection.h