ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_direction
Property: Shooting direction of the gun.
virtual void getParticleDirection(int, ROOT::Math::XYZVector &direction, double &momentum) const
Particle modification. Caller presets defaults to: ( direction = m_direction, momentum = m_energy) ...
bool m_standalone
Property: Standalone mode: includes interaction merging and primary generation.
bool m_print
Property: Enable printout.
bool m_isotrop
Property: Isotrope particles?
virtual void operator()(G4Event *event)
Callback to generate primary particles.
double m_energy
Property: Particle energy.
Generic context to extend user, run and event information.
Geant4ParticleGun(Geant4Context *context, const std::string &name)
Standard constructor.
virtual ~Geant4ParticleGun()
Default destructor.
Implementation of a particle gun using Geant4Particles.