25 class TEveCaloDataHist;
virtual View & Build(TEveWindow *slot)
Build the projection view and map it to the given slot.
View TEveWindowSlot * slot
void ImportGeoTopics(const std::string &title)
Call to import geometry topics.
class View View.h DDEve/View.h
class Projection Projection.h DDEve/Projection.h
virtual ~Calo2DProjection()
Default destructor.
ClassDef(Calo2DProjection, 0)
Root implementation macro.
Calo2DProjection(Display *eve, const std::string &name)
Initializing constructor.
2D projection operator for calorimeters
virtual void ConfigureEvent(const DisplayConfiguration::ViewConfig &config)
Configure a single event scene view.
virtual void ConfigureGeometry(const DisplayConfiguration::ViewConfig &config)
Configure a single geometry view.
The main class of the DDEve display.
const std::string & name() const
Access to the view name/title.