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Change log

Boost.Test v3.3 / boost 1.62
New features
Bugfixes and feature requests
  1. #PR-81 Possibility to remove the support of the alternative stack at compilation time. See BOOST_TEST_DISABLE_ALT_STACK for more details.
  2. #8707 Provide Standard xUnit XML Output from Boost Test
  3. #8834 Boost Test should be able to generate report in both XML and HRF together
  4. #11128 [bb10/qnx failures] Build error
  5. #11845 Ability to generate the unique and stable test name for every data set in BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE
  6. #11859 Wrong handling of "," in Run-Parameters
  7. #12024 boost test depends on nonexisting abi::__cxa_demangle on android
  8. #12093 Boost 1.60.0: Build fails (gcc 4.6)
  9. #12103 Fix for gcc bug 58952 (getchar() is defined as a macro in uClibc)
  10. #12224 Crash on MSVC with RTTI disabled
  11. #12241 Data-driven testing over a range of std::tuple has broken
  12. #12257 Incorrect line numbers in test_units generated from test_case_gen
  13. #12378 Compilation errors with clang 3.8
Boost.Test v3.2 / boost 1.61
New features
Bugfixes and feature requests
  1. #6767 Use of namespace qualifier with floating point exception functions breaks if they are macros
  2. #8905 boost/test/impl/debug.ipp: Ignores return value from WaitForSingleObject
  3. #9443 Runtime parameter Random seed for random order of test cases not respected correctly
  4. #11854 Add fixture support in BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE
  5. #11887 BOOST_TEST(3u == (std::max)(0u, 3u)) fails
  6. #11889 BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE fails to compile for 4D and higher dimensional grids
  7. #11983 Boost Test XML Report contains unescaped XML characters
Boost.Test v3.1 / boost 1.60
New major features
Bugfixes and feature requests
  1. #3384 Double-quoted arguments including spaces are divided by Boost.Test.
  2. #3897 Test framework does not include <osreldate.h> before testing __FreeBSD_version (fixed in 1.59)
  3. #6032 Program options within init_unit_test_suite are incorrect when using path and whitespaces
  4. #6859 Boost.Test eats away last empty command line parameter
  5. #7257 Boost.Test alters and does not restore ostream precision after any Test macro (fixed in 1.59)
  6. #9228 Patch to make Boost.Test work with RTTI disabled (fixed in 1.59)
  7. #10317 boost::test corrupts contents of argv if a paramter contains whitespace
  8. #11279 invalid parameters should be reported
  9. #11478 Boost Test Exception Assert Failure has poor message
  10. #11571 Can't compile BOOST_TEST( ..., per_element() ) comparison of vector<string>
  11. #11623 Clang rejects some simple BOOST_TEST() statements
  12. #11624 BOOST_TEST( 0.0 == 0.0 ) fails under C++11 (GCC and Clang)
  13. #11625 BOOST_TEST( ..., per_element() ) erroneously requires collections are comparable
Boost.Test v3 / boost 1.59
New major features
Bugfixes and feature requests
  1. #2018 Error in the documentation chapter "Runtime parameters reference"
  2. #2450 equations in Floating-point comparison algorithms html are not rendered properly
  3. #2600 Unit Test Framework - missed documentation
  4. #2717 BOOST_<level>_EQUAL_COLLECTION docs typo
  5. #2759 Typos in test new-year-resolution.html
  6. #3182 _CrtSetReportFile can be used to redirect memory leaks report
  7. #3316 Access violation when trying to log from init_tests_func
  8. #3392 Boost::Test: Wrong contents for documentation of the BOOST_TEST_PASSPOINT macro
  9. #3402 Invalid define name in docummentation (duplicates ##2717)
  10. #3445 incorreect link in the docs
  11. #3463 GT is GREAT!
  12. #3542 Bug in documentation of detect_memory_leak parameter (duplicates ##2018)
  13. #3481 Boost Testing doesn't work under Sun Solaris Containers (duplicates ##3592)
  14. #3495 Boost::Test enters endless loop when running in vserver environment (duplicates ##3592)
  15. #3592 under_debugger() goes into infinite loop
  16. #3595 Typo (duplicates ##2759)
  17. #3623 Boost Test Typo (duplicates ##2759)
  18. #3664 SIGCHLD always considered fatal error
  19. #3784 Documentation errors in Execution Monitor Compilation
  20. #3785 Documentation errors in Program Execution Monitor implementation
  21. #3811 global namespace polution
  22. #3834 doc: probably incorrect HTML rendering (duplicates ##2450)
  23. #3896 erroneous documentation in boost test commandline parameter description
  24. #3932 Error in BOOST_<level>_GT description (duplicates ##3463)
  25. #3938 doc: incorrect macro name (duplicates ##2759)
  26. #3964 Documentation for BOOST_<level>_CLOSE_FRACTION is incorrect
  27. #3978 Failed to completely redirect TestLog to file, bugfix appended
  28. #3979 <boost/test/exception_safety.hpp> requires additional includes
  29. #4161 spelling mistakes...
  30. #4275 Documentation error Boost.Test (duplicates ##2717)
  31. #4389 Enable boost_test to run specific tests with any required dependent tests.
  32. #4434 BOOST_AUTO_EST_CASE typos in docs
  33. #4587 Broken link in website
  34. #4806 Invalid link (examples not showing up in documentation)
  35. #4911 ENH: boost.test output the exception real type name.
  36. #4923 Missing semicolon in documentation example
  37. #4924 Minor typo in Boost::Test docs
  38. #4982 Boost.Test has misspelled Gennadiy Rozental e-mail address
  39. #5008 Boost.Test does not do checkpointing of entry/exit of test cases
  40. #5036 Boost.Test VC memory leak report should direct to stderr
  41. #5262 Run tests by name utility doesn't support negation
  42. #5374 Errors from Boost.Test are no more shown in the Error list in VS2010
  43. #5412 XML formatter in test library processes strings with subsequences ]]> incorrectly
  44. #5563 using a test macro in a global fixture crashes Boost.Test
  45. #5582 There is a memory leak in the BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE
  46. #5599 boost::test documentation gives poor instruction
  47. #5718 broken link to unit testing framework examples
  48. #5729 Missing static_cast in fpt_limits
  49. #5870 The warning stack is not maintained
  50. #5972 Support program option to only dump the test-tree in text to output stream
  51. #6002 Failed to completely redirect TestLog to file (duplicates)
  52. #6071 Boost Test (Boost 1.46.0) GCC 4.6.1 error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator[]’
  53. #6074 warnings-as-errors not usable with Boost.test in release mode
  54. #6161 SunOS: bad putenv declaration (duplicates ##6766)
  55. #6766 incorrect declaration for putenv in config.hpp
  56. #6712 Eliminate warnings with GCC
  57. #6748 Link in the documentation points to wrong page
  58. #7046 Output full error message, not just 512 chars
  59. #7136 Correct documentation for BOOST_<level>_CLOSE_FRACTION is not reflected into released documents
  60. #7410 Test Units (Cases and Suites) in Boost.Test do not capture __FILE__ and __LINE__ at declaration point making it impossible to provide source file linking using external test management tools
  61. #7894 Boost.Test documentation contains no linking instructions
  62. #8201 Broken link in document
  63. #8272 BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE fails to compile with boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_100 (duplicates ##11054)
  64. #8467 Incorrect link in document (duplicates ##6748)
  65. #8679 Boost.Test pollutes boost namespace with it's own enable_if/disable_if templates
  66. #8862 Boost.Test typo in documentation
  67. #8895 English error in test collection comparison
  68. #9179 Documentation: broken link (unable to find const_string.hpp/const_string_test.cpp)
  69. #9272 boost::test BOOST_<level>_GT documentation bug (duplicates ##3463)
  70. #9390 Incomplete BOOST_TEST_DONT_PRINT_LOG_VALUE
  71. #9409 Some source code examples are missing
  72. #9537 const_string_test example fails
  73. #9539 Floating-point comparison algorithms aren't formatted correctly
  74. #9581 Squassabia reference link gives 404 not found
  75. #9960 Warnings on Clang
  76. #10256 [boost test] - issue: sigaltstack
  77. #10318 Minor documentation fix
  78. #10394 Broken links in Boost Test documentation
  79. #10888 Assertion failures don't show up in the errors pane in VS 2010, VS 2012 or VS 2013 (duplicates)
  80. #11054 Floating-point comparison of multiprecision values fails if expression template is on
  81. #11347 DS identifier causes test failures in doc/examples/dataset_example*.cpp
  82. #11358 Boost.Test v3 warning could helpfully be suppressed.
  83. #11359 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS: can't control output operator (duplicates #9390)
  84. #11425 use-of-uninitialized-value (obsolete)
