
Chapter 1. Building and Testing

David Abrahams

No-Install Quickstart
Basic Procedure
In Case of Trouble
In Case Everything Seemed to Work
Modifying the Example Project
Installing Boost.Python on your System
Configuring Boost.Build
Python Configuration Parameters
Choosing a Boost.Python Library Binary
The Dynamic Binary
The Static Binary
#include Issues
Python Debugging Builds
Testing Boost.Python
Notes for MinGW (and Cygwin with -mno-cygwin) GCC Users

Boost.Python requires Python 2.2 [1] or newer.

[1] Note that although we tested earlier versions of Boost.Python with Python 2.2, and we don't think we've done anything to break compatibility, this release of Boost.Python may not have been tested with versions of Python earlier than 2.4, so we're not 100% sure that python 2.2 and 2.3 are supported.
