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Boost.Fiber provides a bounded and a unbounded channel suitable to synchonize fibers via message passing.

typedef boost::fibers::unbounded_channel< int > channel_t;

void send( channel_t & channel) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        channel.push( i);

void recv( channel_t & channel) {
    int i;
    while ( boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success == channel.pop(i) ) {
        std::cout << "received " << i << std::endl;

channel_t channel;
boost::fibers::fiber f1( std::bind( send, ref( channel) ) );
boost::fibers::fiber f2( std::bind( recv, ref( channel) ) );

Enumeration channel_op_status

channel operations return the state of the channel.

enum class channel_op_status {


Operation was successful.



channel is empty, operation failed.



channel is full, operation failed.



channel is closed, operation failed.



The operation did not become ready before specified timeout elapsed.

Template unbounded_channel<>

#include <boost/fiber/unbounded_channel.hpp>

namespace boost {
namespace fibers {

template< typename T, typename Allocator = std::allocator< T > >
class unbounded_channel {
    typedef T   value_type;

    explicit unbounded_channel( Allocator const& alloc = Allocator() ) noexcept;

    unbounded_channel( unbounded_channel const& other) = delete;
    unbounded_channel & operator=( unbounded_channel const& other) = delete;

    void close() noexcept;

    channel_op_status push( value_type const& va);
    channel_op_status push( value_type && va);

    channel_op_status pop( value_type & va);
    value_type value_pop();
    channel_op_status try_pop( value_type & va);
    template< typename Rep, typename Period >
    channel_op_status pop_wait_for(
        value_type & va,
        std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > const& timeout_duration);
    template< typename Clock, typename Duration >
    channel_op_status pop_wait_until(
        value_type & va,
        std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > const& timeout_time);

explicit unbounded_channel( Allocator const& alloc = Allocator() ) noexcept;


Constructs an object of class unbounded_channel. Internal nodes are allocated using alloc - C++11-allocators are supported.



See also:

Allocator concept, std::allocator< T >

Member function close()

void close() noexcept;


Deactivates the channel. No values can be put after calling this->close(). Fibers blocked in this->pop(), this->pop_wait_for() or this->pop_wait_until() will return closed. Fibers blocked in this->value_pop() will receive an exception.




close() is like closing a pipe. It informs waiting consumers that no more values will arrive.

Member function push()

channel_op_status push( value_type const& va);
channel_op_status push( value_type && va);


If channel is closed, returns closed. Otherwise enqueues the value in the channel, wakes up a fiber blocked on this->pop(), this->value_pop(), this->pop_wait_for() or this->pop_wait_until() and returns success.


Exceptions thrown by memory allocation and copying or moving va.

Member function pop()

channel_op_status pop( value_type & va);


Dequeues a value from the channel. If the channel is empty, the fiber gets suspended until at least one new item is push()ed (return value success and va contains dequeued value) or the channel gets close()d (return value closed).



Member function value_pop()

value_type value_pop();


Dequeues a value from the channel. If the channel is empty, the fiber gets suspended until at least one new item is push()ed or the channel gets close()d (which throws an exception).


fiber_error if *this is closed

Error conditions:


Member function try_pop()

channel_op_status try_pop( value_type & va);


If channel is empty, returns empty. If channel is closed, returns closed. Otherwise it returns success and va contains the dequeued value.


Exceptions thrown by copy- or move-operations.

Member function pop_wait_for()

template< typename Rep, typename Period >
channel_op_status pop_wait_for(
    value_type & va,
    std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > const& timeout_duration)


Accepts std::chrono::duration and internally computes a timeout time as (system time + timeout_duration). If channel is not empty, immediately dequeues a value from the channel. Otherwise the fiber gets suspended until at least one new item is push()ed (return value success and va contains dequeued value), or the channel gets close()d (return value closed), or the system time reaches the computed timeout time (return value timeout).


timeout-related exceptions.

Member function pop_wait_until()

template< typename Clock, typename Duration >
channel_op_status pop_wait_until(
    value_type & va,
    std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > const& timeout_time)


Accepts a std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration >. If channel is not empty, immediately dequeues a value from the channel. Otherwise the fiber gets suspended until at least one new item is push()ed (return value success and va contains dequeued value), or the channel gets close()d (return value closed), or the system time reaches the passed time_point (return value timeout).


timeout-related exceptions.

Template bounded_channel<>

#include <boost/fiber/bounded_channel.hpp>

namespace boost {
namespace fibers {

template< typename T, typename Allocator = std::allocator< T > >
class bounded_channel {
    typedef T   value_type;

    bounded_channel( std::size_t wm, Allocator const& alloc = Allocator() );
    bounded_channel( std::size_t hwm, std::size_t lwm, Allocator const& alloc = Allocator() );

    bounded_channel( bounded_channel const& other) = delete;
    bounded_channel & operator=( bounded_channel const& other) = delete;

    std::size_t upper_bound() const noexcept;
    std::size_t lower_bound() const noexcept;

    void close() noexcept;

    channel_op_status push( value_type const& va);
    channel_op_status push( value_type && va);
    template< typename Rep, typename Period >
    channel_op_status push_wait_for(
        value_type const& va,
        std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > const& timeout_duration);
    channel_op_status push_wait_for( value_type && va,
        std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > const& timeout_duration);
    template< typename Clock, typename Duration >
    channel_op_status push_wait_until(
        value_type const& va,
        std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > const& timeout_time);
    template< typename Clock, typename Duration >
    channel_op_status push_wait_until(
        value_type && va,
        std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > const& timeout_time);
    channel_op_status try_push( value_type const& va);
    channel_op_status try_push( value_type && va);

    channel_op_status pop( value_type & va);
    value_type value_pop();
    template< typename Rep, typename Period >
    channel_op_status pop_wait_for(
        value_type & va,
        std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > const& timeout_duration);
    template< typename Clock, typename Duration >
    channel_op_status pop_wait_until(
        value_type & va,
        std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > const& timeout_time);
    channel_op_status try_pop( value_type & va);

bounded_channel( std::size_t wm, Allocator const& alloc = Allocator() );
bounded_channel( std::size_t hwm, std::size_t lwm, Allocator const& alloc = Allocator() );


hwm > lwm


Constructs an object of class bounded_channel. The constructor with two arguments constructs an object of class bounded_channel with a high-watermark of hwm and a low-watermark of lwm items. The constructor with one std::size_t argument is effectively the same as bounded_channel(wm, (wm-1), alloc). Internal nodes are allocated using alloc - C++11-allocators are supported.



Error Conditions:

invalid_argument: if lwm >= hwm.


Once the number of values in the channel reaches hwm, any call to push(), push_wait_for() or push_wait_until() will block until the number of values in the channel is at most lwm. That is, if lwm < (hwm-1), the channel can be in a state in which push(), push_wait_for() or push_wait_until() calls will block (channel is full) even though the number of values in the channel is less than hwm.

See also:

Allocator concept, std::allocator< T >

Member function upper_bound()

std::size_t upper_bound() const noexcept;


the high-watermark with which *this was constructed.



Member function lower_bound()

std::size_t lower_bound() const noexcept;


the low-watermark with which *this was constructed.



Member function close()

void close() noexcept;


Deactivates the channel. No values can be put after calling this->close(). Fibers blocked in this->pop(), this->pop_wait_for() or this->pop_wait_until() will return closed. Fibers blocked in this->value_pop() will receive an exception.




close() is like closing a pipe. It informs waiting consumers that no more values will arrive.

Member function push()

channel_op_status push( value_type const& va);
channel_op_status push( value_type && va);


If channel is closed, returns closed. If channel is not full, enqueues the value in the channel, wakes up a fiber blocked on this->pop(), this->value_pop(), this->pop_wait_for() or this->pop_wait_until() and returns success. Otherwise the calling fiber is suspended until the number of values in the channel drops to lwm (return value success)or the channel is close()d (return value closed).


exceptions thrown by memory allocation and copying or moving va.

Member function push_wait_for()

template< typename Rep, typename Period >
channel_op_status push_wait_for(
    value_type const& va,
    std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > const& timeout_duration);

template< typename Rep, typename Period >
channel_op_status push_wait_for(
    value_type && va,
    std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > const& timeout_duration);


Accepts std::chrono::duration and internally computes a time_point as (system time + timeout_duration). If channel is closed, returns closed. If channel is not full, enqueues the value in the channel, wakes up a fiber blocked on this->pop(), this->value_pop(), this->pop_wait_for() or this->pop_wait_until() and returns success. Otherwise the calling fiber is suspended until the number of values in the channel drops to lwm (return value success), the channel is close()d (return value closed), or the system time reaches the computed time_point (return value timeout).


exceptions thrown by memory allocation and copying or moving va or timeout-related exceptions.

Member function push_wait_until()

template< typename Clock, typename Duration >
channel_op_status push_wait_until(
    value_type const& va,
    std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > const& timeout_time);

template< typename Clock, typename Duration >
channel_op_status push_wait_until(
    value_type && va,
    std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > const& timeout_time);


Accepts an absolute timeout_time in any supported time_point type. If channel is closed, returns closed. If channel is not full, enqueues the value in the channel, wakes up a fiber blocked on this->pop(), this->value_pop(), this->pop_wait_for() or this->pop_wait_until() and returns success. Otherwise the calling fiber is suspended until the number of values in the channel drops to lwm (return value success), the channel is close()d (return value closed), or the system time reaches the passed time_point (return value timeout).


exceptions thrown by memory allocation and copying or moving va or timeout-related exceptions.

Member function try_push()

channel_op_status try_push( value_type const& va);
channel_op_status try_push( value_type && va);


If channel is full, returns full. If channel is closed, returns closed. Otherwise enqueues the value in the channel, wakes up a fiber blocked on this->pop(), this->value_pop(), this->pop_wait_for() or this->pop_wait_until() and returns success.


Exceptions thrown by memory allocation and copying or moving va.

Member function pop()

channel_op_status pop( value_type & va);


Dequeues a value from the channel. If the channel is empty, the fiber gets suspended until at least one new item is push()ed (return value success and va contains dequeued value) or the channel gets close()d (return value closed). Once the number of items remaining in the channel drops to lwm, any fibers blocked on push(), push_wait_for() or push_wait_until() may resume.



Member function value_pop()

value_type value_pop();


Dequeues a value from the channel. If the channel is empty, the fiber gets suspended until at least one new item is push()ed or the channel gets close()d (which throws an exception). Once the number of items remaining in the channel drops to lwm, any fibers blocked on push(), push_wait_for() or push_wait_until() may resume.


fiber_error if *this is closed

Error conditions:


Member function try_pop()

channel_op_status try_pop( value_type & va);


If channel is empty, returns empty. If channel is closed, returns closed. Otherwise it returns success and va contains the dequeued value. Once the number of items remaining in the channel drops to lwm, any fibers blocked on push(), push_wait_for() or push_wait_until() may resume.


Exceptions thrown by copy- or move-operations.

Member function pop_wait_for()

template< typename Rep, typename Period >
channel_op_status pop_wait_for(
    value_type & va,
    std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > const& timeout_duration)


Accepts std::chrono::duration and internally computes a timeout time as (system time + timeout_duration). If channel is not empty, immediately dequeues a value from the channel. Otherwise the fiber gets suspended until at least one new item is push()ed (return value success and va contains dequeued value), or the channel gets close()d (return value closed), or the system time reaches the computed timeout time (return value timeout). Once the number of items remaining in the channel drops to lwm, any fibers blocked on push(), push_wait_for() or push_wait_until() may resume.


timeout-related exceptions.

Member function pop_wait_until()

template< typename Clock, typename Duration >
channel_op_status pop_wait_until(
    value_type & va,
    std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > const& timeout_time)


Accepts a std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration >. If channel is not empty, immediately dequeues a value from the channel. Otherwise the fiber gets suspended until at least one new item is push()ed (return value success and va contains dequeued value), or the channel gets close()d (return value closed), or the system time reaches the passed time_point (return value timeout). Once the number of items remaining in the channel drops to lwm, any fibers blocked on push(), push_wait_for() or push_wait_until() may resume.


timeout-related exceptions.
