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Struct template match_results

boost::xpressive::match_results — Class template match_results<> holds the results of a regex_match() or a regex_search() as a collection of sub_match objects.


// In header: <boost/xpressive/match_results.hpp>

template<typename BidiIter> 
struct match_results {
  // types
  typedef iterator_value< BidiIter >::type      char_type;          
  typedef unspecified                           string_type;        
  typedef std::size_t                           size_type;          
  typedef sub_match< BidiIter >                 value_type;         
  typedef iterator_difference< BidiIter >::type difference_type;    
  typedef value_type const &                    reference;          
  typedef value_type const &                    const_reference;    
  typedef unspecified                           iterator;           
  typedef unspecified                           const_iterator;     
  typedef unspecified                           nested_results_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  match_results(match_results< BidiIter > const &);
  match_results< BidiIter > & operator=(match_results< BidiIter > const &);

  // public member functions
  size_type size() const;
  bool empty() const;
  difference_type length(size_type = 0) const;
  difference_type position(size_type = 0) const;
  string_type str(size_type = 0) const;
  template<typename Sub> const_reference operator[](Sub const &) const;
  const_reference prefix() const;
  const_reference suffix() const;
  const_iterator begin() const;
  const_iterator end() const;
  operator bool_type() const;
  bool operator!() const;
  regex_id_type regex_id() const;
  nested_results_type const & nested_results() const;
  template<typename Format, typename OutputIterator> 
    format(OutputIterator, Format const &, 
           regex_constants::match_flag_type = regex_constants::format_default, 
           unspecified = 0) const;
  template<typename OutputIterator> 
    format(OutputIterator, char_type const *, 
           regex_constants::match_flag_type = regex_constants::format_default) const;
  template<typename Format, typename OutputIterator> 
    string_type format(Format const &, 
                       regex_constants::match_flag_type = regex_constants::format_default, 
                       unspecified = 0) const;
  string_type format(char_type const *, 
                     regex_constants::match_flag_type = regex_constants::format_default) const;
  void swap(match_results< BidiIter > &);
  template<typename Arg> match_results< BidiIter > & let(Arg const &);


Class template match_results<> denotes a collection of sequences representing the result of a regular expression match. Storage for the collection is allocated and freed as necessary by the member functions of class match_results<>.

The class template match_results<> conforms to the requirements of a Sequence, as specified in (lib.sequence.reqmts), except that only operations defined for const-qualified Sequences are supported.

match_results public construct/copy/destruct

  1. match_results();


    regex_id() == 0

    size() == 0

    empty() == true

    str() == string_type()

  2. match_results(match_results< BidiIter > const & that);



    The match_results object to copy


    regex_id() == that.regex_id().

    size() == that.size().

    empty() == that.empty().

    str(n) == that.str(n) for all positive integers n < that.size().

    prefix() == that.prefix().

    suffix() == that.suffix().

    (*this)[n] == that[n] for all positive integers n < that.size().

    length(n) == that.length(n) for all positive integers n < that.size().

    position(n) == that.position(n) for all positive integers n < that.size().

  3. match_results< BidiIter > & operator=(match_results< BidiIter > const & that);



    The match_results object to copy.


    regex_id() == that.regex_id().

    size() == that.size().

    empty() == that.empty().

    str(n) == that.str(n) for all positive integers n < that.size().

    prefix() == that.prefix().

    suffix() == that.suffix().

    (*this)[n] == that[n] for all positive integers n < that.size().

    length(n) == that.length(n) for all positive integers n < that.size().

    position(n) == that.position(n) for all positive integers n < that.size().

  4. ~match_results();

match_results public member functions

  1. size_type size() const;

    Returns one plus the number of marked sub-expressions in the regular expression that was matched if *this represents the result of a successful match. Otherwise returns 0.

  2. bool empty() const;

    Returns size() == 0.

  3. difference_type length(size_type sub = 0) const;

    Returns (*this)[sub].length().

  4. difference_type position(size_type sub = 0) const;

    If !(*this)[sub].matched then returns -1. Otherwise returns std::distance(base, (*this)[sub].first), where base is the start iterator of the sequence that was searched. [Note - unless this is part of a repeated search with a regex_iterator then base is the same as prefix().first - end note]

  5. string_type str(size_type sub = 0) const;

    Returns (*this)[sub].str().

  6. template<typename Sub> const_reference operator[](Sub const & sub) const;

    Returns a reference to the sub_match object representing the sequence that matched marked sub-expression sub. If sub == 0 then returns a reference to a sub_match object representing the sequence that matched the whole regular expression. If sub >= size() then returns a sub_match object representing an unmatched sub-expression.

  7. const_reference prefix() const;

    Returns a reference to the sub_match object representing the character sequence from the start of the string being matched/searched, to the start of the match found.


    (*this)[0].matched is true

  8. const_reference suffix() const;

    Returns a reference to the sub_match object representing the character sequence from the end of the match found to the end of the string being matched/searched.


    (*this)[0].matched is true

  9. const_iterator begin() const;

    Returns a starting iterator that enumerates over all the marked sub-expression matches stored in *this.

  10. const_iterator end() const;

    Returns a terminating iterator that enumerates over all the marked sub-expression matches stored in *this.

  11. operator bool_type() const;

    Returns a true value if (*this)[0].matched, else returns a false value.

  12. bool operator!() const;

    Returns true if empty() || !(*this)[0].matched, else returns false.

  13. regex_id_type regex_id() const;

    Returns the id of the basic_regex object most recently used with this match_results object.

  14. nested_results_type const & nested_results() const;

    Returns a Sequence of nested match_results elements.

  15. template<typename Format, typename OutputIterator> 
      format(OutputIterator out, Format const & fmt, 
             regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::format_default, 
             unspecified = 0) const;

    If Format models ForwardRange or is a null-terminated string, this function copies the character sequence in fmt to OutputIterator out. For each format specifier or escape sequence in fmt, replace that sequence with either the character(s) it represents, or the sequence within *this to which it refers. The bitmasks specified in flags determines what format specifiers or escape sequences are recognized. By default, this is the format used by ECMA-262, ECMAScript Language Specification, Chapter 15 part 5.4.11 String.prototype.replace.

    Otherwise, if Format models Callable<match_results<BidiIter>, OutputIterator, regex_constants::match_flag_type>, this function returns fmt(*this, out, flags).

    Otherwise, if Format models Callable<match_results<BidiIter>, OutputIterator>, this function returns fmt(*this, out).

    Otherwise, if Format models Callable<match_results<BidiIter> >, this function returns std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), out), where x is the result of calling fmt(*this).

  16. template<typename OutputIterator> 
      format(OutputIterator out, char_type const * fmt, 
             regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::format_default) const;

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

  17. template<typename Format, typename OutputIterator> 
      string_type format(Format const & fmt, 
                         regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::format_default, 
                         unspecified = 0) const;

    If Format models ForwardRange or is a null-terminated string, this function returns a copy of the character sequence fmt. For each format specifier or escape sequence in fmt, replace that sequence with either the character(s) it represents, or the sequence within *this to which it refers. The bitmasks specified in flags determines what format specifiers or escape sequences are recognized. By default this is the format used by ECMA-262, ECMAScript Language Specification, Chapter 15 part 5.4.11 String.prototype.replace.

    Otherwise, if Format models Callable<match_results<BidiIter>, OutputIterator, regex_constants::match_flag_type>, this function returns a string_type object x populated by calling fmt(*this, out, flags), where out is a back_insert_iterator into x.

    Otherwise, if Format models Callable<match_results<BidiIter>, OutputIterator>, this function returns a string_type object x populated by calling fmt(*this, out), where out is a back_insert_iterator into x.

    Otherwise, if Format models Callable<match_results<BidiIter> >, this function returns fmt(*this).

  18. string_type format(char_type const * fmt, 
                       regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::format_default) const;

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

  19. void swap(match_results< BidiIter > & that);

    Swaps the contents of two match_results objects. Guaranteed not to throw.



    The match_results object to swap with.


    *this contains the sequence of matched sub-expressions that were in that, that contains the sequence of matched sub-expressions that were in *this.


    Will not throw.
  20. template<typename Arg> match_results< BidiIter > & let(Arg const & arg);

    TODO document me
