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Class greg_month

boost::gregorian::greg_month — Wrapper class to represent months in gregorian based calendar.


// In header: <boost/date_time/gregorian/greg_month.hpp>

class greg_month : public greg_month_rep {
  // types
  typedef date_time::months_of_year               month_enum;        
  typedef std::map< std::string, unsigned short > month_map_type;    
  typedef boost::shared_ptr< month_map_type >     month_map_ptr_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  greg_month(unsigned short);

  // public member functions
  operator unsigned short() const;
  unsigned short as_number() const;
  month_enum as_enum() const;
  const char * as_short_string() const;
  const char * as_long_string() const;
  const wchar_t * as_short_wstring() const;
  const wchar_t * as_long_wstring() const;
  const char * as_short_string(char) const;
  const char * as_long_string(char) const;
  const wchar_t * as_short_string(wchar_t) const;
  const wchar_t * as_long_string(wchar_t) const;

  // public static functions
  static month_map_ptr_type get_month_map_ptr();


greg_month public construct/copy/destruct

  1. greg_month(month_enum theMonth);
    Construct a month from the months_of_year enumeration.
  2. greg_month(unsigned short theMonth);
    Construct from a short value.

greg_month public member functions

  1. operator unsigned short() const;
    Convert the value back to a short.
  2. unsigned short as_number() const;
    Returns month as number from 1 to 12.
  3. month_enum as_enum() const;
  4. const char * as_short_string() const;
  5. const char * as_long_string() const;
  6. const wchar_t * as_short_wstring() const;
  7. const wchar_t * as_long_wstring() const;
  8. const char * as_short_string(char) const;
  9. const char * as_long_string(char) const;
  10. const wchar_t * as_short_string(wchar_t) const;
  11. const wchar_t * as_long_string(wchar_t) const;

greg_month public static functions

  1. static month_map_ptr_type get_month_map_ptr();
    Shared pointer to a map of Month strings (Names & Abbrev) & numbers.
