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Class template date_names_put

boost::date_time::date_names_put — Output facet base class for gregorian dates.


// In header: <boost/date_time/date_names_put.hpp>

template<typename Config, typename charT = char, 
         typename OutputIterator = std::ostreambuf_iterator<charT> > 
class date_names_put : public facet {
  // types
  typedef OutputIterator             iter_type;         
  typedef Config::month_type         month_type;        
  typedef Config::month_enum         month_enum;        
  typedef Config::weekday_enum       weekday_enum;      
  typedef Config::special_value_enum special_value_enum;
  typedef std::basic_string< charT > string_type;       
  typedef charT                      char_type;         

  // construct/copy/destruct

  // public member functions
  std::locale::id & __get_id(void) const;
  void put_special_value(iter_type &, special_value_enum) const;
  void put_month_short(iter_type &, month_enum) const;
  void put_month_long(iter_type &, month_enum) const;
  void put_weekday_short(iter_type &, weekday_enum) const;
  void put_weekday_long(iter_type &, weekday_enum) const;
  bool has_date_sep_chars() const;
  void year_sep_char(iter_type &) const;
  void month_sep_char(iter_type &) const;
  void day_sep_char(iter_type &) const;
  ymd_order_spec date_order() const;
  month_format_spec month_format() const;

  // protected member functions
  virtual void do_put_month_short(iter_type &, month_enum) const;
  virtual void do_put_month_long(iter_type &, month_enum) const;
  virtual void do_put_special_value(iter_type &, special_value_enum) const;
  virtual void do_put_weekday_short(iter_type &, weekday_enum) const;
  virtual void do_put_weekday_long(iter_type &, weekday_enum) const;
  virtual bool do_has_date_sep_chars() const;
  virtual void do_year_sep_char(iter_type &) const;
  virtual void do_month_sep_char(iter_type &) const;
  virtual void do_day_sep_char(iter_type &) const;
  virtual ymd_order_spec do_date_order() const;
  virtual month_format_spec do_month_format() const;
  void put_string(iter_type &, const charT *const) const;
  void put_string(iter_type &, const string_type &) const;

  // public data members
  static const char_type default_special_value_names;
  static const char_type separator;
  static std::locale::id id;  // Generate storage location for a std::locale::id. 


This class is a base class for date facets used to localize the names of months and the names of days in the week.

Requirements of Config

  • define an enumeration month_enum that enumerates the months. The enumeration should be '1' based eg: Jan==1

  • define as_short_string and as_long_string

(see langer & kreft p334).

date_names_put public construct/copy/destruct

  1. date_names_put();

date_names_put public member functions

  1. std::locale::id & __get_id(void) const;
  2. void put_special_value(iter_type & oitr, special_value_enum sv) const;
  3. void put_month_short(iter_type & oitr, month_enum moy) const;
  4. void put_month_long(iter_type & oitr, month_enum moy) const;
  5. void put_weekday_short(iter_type & oitr, weekday_enum wd) const;
  6. void put_weekday_long(iter_type & oitr, weekday_enum wd) const;
  7. bool has_date_sep_chars() const;
  8. void year_sep_char(iter_type & oitr) const;
  9. void month_sep_char(iter_type & oitr) const;
    char between year-month
  10. void day_sep_char(iter_type & oitr) const;
    Char to separate month-day.
  11. ymd_order_spec date_order() const;
    Determines the order to put the date elements.
  12. month_format_spec month_format() const;
    Determines if month is displayed as integer, short or long string.

date_names_put protected member functions

  1. virtual void do_put_month_short(iter_type & oitr, month_enum moy) const;
    Default facet implementation uses month_type defaults.
  2. virtual void do_put_month_long(iter_type & oitr, month_enum moy) const;
    Default facet implementation uses month_type defaults.
  3. virtual void 
    do_put_special_value(iter_type & oitr, special_value_enum sv) const;
    Default facet implementation for special value types.
  4. virtual void do_put_weekday_short(iter_type &, weekday_enum) const;
  5. virtual void do_put_weekday_long(iter_type &, weekday_enum) const;
  6. virtual bool do_has_date_sep_chars() const;
  7. virtual void do_year_sep_char(iter_type & oitr) const;
  8. virtual void do_month_sep_char(iter_type & oitr) const;
    char between year-month
  9. virtual void do_day_sep_char(iter_type & oitr) const;
    Char to separate month-day.
  10. virtual ymd_order_spec do_date_order() const;
    Default for date order.
  11. virtual month_format_spec do_month_format() const;
    Default month format.
  12. void put_string(iter_type & oi, const charT *const s) const;
  13. void put_string(iter_type & oi, const string_type & s1) const;
