LCIO  "2.7.4"
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
oNDATAThe namespace DATA has been removed from LCIO all data entities are now defined in EVENT
oNEVENTThe namespace EVENT holds all base interfaces of the event entities
oNIMPLThe namespace IMPL holds the implementations of the base interfaces that are defined in EVENT
oNIOThe namespace IO holds the base interfaces for io of data
oNIOIMPLThe IOIMPL namespace holds extensions to the default implementations needed for IO
oNlcioThe LCIO namespace combines EVENT, IO, IMPL and UTIL for user convenience
oNlcrtrelThe namespace lcrtrel holds classes and functions for runtime extensions and relations see LCRTRelations for more detailed documentation
oNSIOThe SIO namespace holds the persistency implementation using SIO
\NUTILThe namespace UTIL holds convenient and support classes and methods for the LCIO objects