LCCD  1.3.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oNlccdThe only namespace in the project
|oCConditionsHandlerBaseBase implementation of IConditionsHandler
|oCConditionsMapTemplate class for maps of conditions data
|oCDataFileHandlerImplementation of ConditionsHandlerBase that handles conditions data that is stored in a data LCIO file
|oCDBCondHandlerImplementation of ConditionsHandlerBase that reads the conditions data from the database
|oCDBConnectionMgrSingleton that manages data base connection on the basis of access strings
|oCDBFileHandlerImplementation of ConditionsHandlerBase that reads the conditions data from a special LCIO file
|oCDBInterfaceProvides a simple interface to the conditions data base for lccd
|oCIConditionsChangeListenerSimple interface that allows notification of implementation classes if a conditions data set has changed, or the implementation classes are registered with a class inheriting from ConditionsHandlerBase
|oCIConditionsHandlerAbstract handler for conditions data
|oCLCConditionsMgrManager for IConditionsHandler objects
|oCLCGenericObjectStreamerBase class for LCCollection streamer classes
|oCSimpleFileHandlerImplementation of ConditionsHandlerBase that reads the conditions data from an LCIO file
|oCStreamerMgrManager for streamer classes of LCCollections
|oCVCollectionStreamerBase class for LCCollection streamer classes
|oCXdrUtility functions for DB streamer objects
|oCLCCDExceptionException used for general LCCD errors
|oCDatabaseExceptionDatabaseException used for errors accessing the database data
|oCDataNotAvailableExceptionException used for data not available
|oCReadOnlyExceptionException used for signaling a 'read only exception'
|oCInconsistencyExceptionException used for (possible) inconsistency warnings
|oCMemberNotImplementedExceptionException used for not implemented member functions
|oCcontains_timestampHelper predicate to find validity ranges
|\Cless_wrt_validityHelper class to sort collections of conditions data w.r.t
oCCalibrationConstantExample for a simple calibration class based on the LCFixedObject template
\CTestListenerTest class that simply dumps the conditions data collection whenever it changed