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gear::FTDLayerLayout Class Referenceabstract

Abstract description of layers in a FTD detector. More...

#include <FTDLayerLayout.h>

Inheritance diagram for gear::FTDLayerLayout:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~FTDLayerLayout ()
virtual int getNLayers () const =0
 The total number of layers.
virtual int getNPetals (int layerIndex) const =0
 The number of petals in the layer layerIndex - layer indexing starts at 0 for the layer closest to IP.
virtual int getNSensors (int layerIndex) const =0
 The number of sensors per petal on a specific layer - Sensor indexing is defined as follows: (illustrated here by a doublesided petal with 4 sensors) it starts with number 1: the sensor on the side facing the IP (the front), that is farthest from the xy - origin. More...
virtual bool isDoubleSided (int layerIndex) const =0
 Whether the petals on a layer have sensors in front and back.
virtual int getSensorType (int layerIndex) const =0
 The sensor type of the disk: pixel or micro-strip The return value corresponds to the following values: gear::FTDParameters::PIXEL gear::FTDParameters::STRIP.
virtual double getPhiHalfDistance (int layerIndex) const =0
 Angular half-width of the petals of a layer - half of the opening angle of the trapezoid.
virtual double getZposition (const int &layerIndex) const =0
 The z-position of the centroid of the disk structure.
virtual double getZoffset (const int &layerIndex) const =0
 Z-offset of the petals in a staggered setup - the z position of the even numbered petals is getZposition(i)+getZoffsetSign0(i)*getZoffset(i), the odd numbered petals: getZposition(i)-getZoffsetSign0(i)*getZoffset(i),.
virtual double getZoffsetSign0 (const int &layerIndex) const =0
 Z-offset sign of the petal 0 in a staggered setup - the z position of the petals is zposition + zsign0^{petalIndex}*zoffset.
virtual double getPhi0 (const int &layerIndex) const =0
 Azimuthal angle of the first petal (angle between petal centroid and x-axis for the petal indexed as 0).
virtual double getAlpha (int layerIndex) const =0
 Angle of rotation in the own plane of a petal in a tilted configuration.
virtual double getSupportZposition (const int &layerIndex, const int &petalIndex) const =0
 The position of the support in z direction in mm for the petalIndex petal in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starting at 0 from the layer closest to IP. More...
virtual double getSupportRinner (int layerIndex) const =0
 The R-min of the support petals in the XY-plane in mm, for the layer layerIndex - layer indexing starts at 0 for the layer closest to IP.
virtual double getSupportRadLength (int layerIndex) const =0
 The radiation length in the support structure petals of layer layerIndex - layer indexing starts at 0 for the layer closest to IP.
virtual double getSupportThickness (int layerIndex) const =0
 The thickness in mm of the supports in layerIndex - layer indexing starting at 0 for the layer closest to IP.
virtual double getSupportLengthMin (int layerIndex) const =0
 The length (x-direction) of the smallest edge of the trapezoid support in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starting at 0 for the layer closest to IP.
virtual double getSupportLengthMax (int layerIndex) const =0
 The length (x-direction) of the largest edge of the trapezoid support in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starting at 0 for the layer closest to IP.
virtual double getSupportWidth (int layerIndex) const =0
 The width of the support in layer in mm for petals in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starting at 0 from the layer closest to IP.
virtual double getSensitiveZposition (const int &layerIndex, const int &petalIndex, const int &sensorId) const =0
 The position of the sensitive in z direction in mm for sensor sensorIndex of the petal support petalIndex in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starting at 0 from the layer closest to IP. More...
virtual double getSensitiveRinner (int layerIndex) const =0
 The R-min of the petal in the XY-plane in mm for sensors in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starts at 0 for the layer closest to IP.
virtual double getSensitiveRadLength (int layerIndex) const =0
 The radiation length in sensitive volumes in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starts at 0 for the layer closest to IP.
virtual double getSensitiveThickness (int layerIndex) const =0
 The thickness in mm of the sensitive area in petals in layer layerIndex.
virtual double getSensitiveLengthMin (int layerIndex) const =0
 Same as getPetalLengthMin() except for the sensitive part of the petal. More...
virtual double getSensitiveLengthMax (int layerIndex) const =0
 Same as getPetalLengthMax() except for the sensitive part of the petal. More...
virtual double getSensitiveWidth (int layerIndex) const =0
 The width of the sensitive area in petals in layer layerIndex in mm.
virtual double getPhiPetalCd (const int &layerIndex, const int &petalIndex) const =0
 Azimuthal angle of the petal petalIndex Centroid at layer layerIndex. More...
virtual double getMaxRadius (const int &layerIndex, const bool &sensitive=false) const =0
 returns maximum radius for a given layer
virtual double getStartPhi (const int &layerIndex, const int &petalInd, const bool &sensitive=false) const =0
 returns starting phi for first petal in layer layerIndex (on side facing IP)
virtual double getEndPhi (const int &layerIndex, const int &petalInd, const bool &sensitive=false) const =0
 returns ending phi for first petal in layer layerIndex (on side facing IP)
virtual double getThicknessForAngle (const int &layerIndex, const double &tetha, const double &phi, const bool &sensitive=false) const =0
 returns thickness as viewed under the incidence angles phi and theta in layer layerIndex. More...

Detailed Description

Abstract description of layers in a FTD detector.

This assumes a symmetric layout of petals (isocelete(?) trapezoids), arranged in layers (disk) a z-position to IP.
The sensitive area is assumed to be inside the petals but can be positioned independently.

J. Duarte Campderros, IFCA (Based at VXDLayerLayout)

Definition at line 17 of file FTDLayerLayout.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual int gear::FTDLayerLayout::getNSensors ( int  layerIndex) const
pure virtual

The number of sensors per petal on a specific layer - Sensor indexing is defined as follows: (illustrated here by a doublesided petal with 4 sensors) it starts with number 1: the sensor on the side facing the IP (the front), that is farthest from the xy - origin.

2 is the next sensor on the same side closer to the xy - origin. 3 is on the back ( the side not facing the IP ) and is back to back to sensor 1. 4 is then back to back to sensor 2.

If it were for exmaple 8 sensors on a doublesided petal, it would be (from outside to inside) 1,2,3,4 on the front and 5,6,7,8 on the back.

If it were 3 sensors on a singlesided petal, it would be just 1,2,3 on the front.

Implemented in gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl.

Referenced by gear::FTDParametersXML::toXML().

virtual double gear::FTDLayerLayout::getPhiPetalCd ( const int &  layerIndex,
const int &  petalIndex 
) const
pure virtual

Azimuthal angle of the petal petalIndex Centroid at layer layerIndex.

Layer indexing starting at 0 from the layer closest to IP. Petal indexing starting at 0 for the petal placed in the X-axis and grows with positive rotation around Z-axis.

Implemented in gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl.

virtual double gear::FTDLayerLayout::getSensitiveLengthMax ( int  layerIndex) const
pure virtual

Same as getPetalLengthMax() except for the sensitive part of the petal.

See Also

Implemented in gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl.

Referenced by gear::FTDParametersXML::toXML().

virtual double gear::FTDLayerLayout::getSensitiveLengthMin ( int  layerIndex) const
pure virtual

Same as getPetalLengthMin() except for the sensitive part of the petal.

See Also

Implemented in gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl.

Referenced by gear::FTDParametersXML::toXML().

virtual double gear::FTDLayerLayout::getSensitiveZposition ( const int &  layerIndex,
const int &  petalIndex,
const int &  sensorId 
) const
pure virtual

The position of the sensitive in z direction in mm for sensor sensorIndex of the petal support petalIndex in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starting at 0 from the layer closest to IP.

Petal indexing starting at 0 for the petal placed in the X-axis and grows with positive rotation around Z-axis. Sensor indexing is defined as follows: (illustrated here by a doublesided petal with 4 sensors) it starts with number 1: the sensor on the side facing the IP (the front), that is farthest from the xy - origin. 2 is the next sensor on the same side closer to the xy - origin. 3 is on the back ( the side not facing the IP ) and is back to back to sensor 1. 4 is then back to back to sensor 2.

Implemented in gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl.

virtual double gear::FTDLayerLayout::getSupportZposition ( const int &  layerIndex,
const int &  petalIndex 
) const
pure virtual

The position of the support in z direction in mm for the petalIndex petal in layer layerIndex - layer indexing starting at 0 from the layer closest to IP.

Petal indexing starting at 0 for the petal placed in the X-axis and grows with positive rotation around Z-axis. The position is defined in the centroid point of the support.

Implemented in gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl.

virtual double gear::FTDLayerLayout::getThicknessForAngle ( const int &  layerIndex,
const double &  tetha,
const double &  phi,
const bool &  sensitive = false 
) const
pure virtual

returns thickness as viewed under the incidence angles phi and theta in layer layerIndex.

theta is the angle defined between the Z-axis (perpendicular to the petal plane) and the plane of the petal; phi is the incident angle defined in the ZX plane

Implemented in gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl.

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