8 #include "gear/GearPointProperties.h"
94 TGeoManager *_tgeomanager;
virtual bool isCalorimeter(const Vector3D &pos) const
True if region that contains pos is defined as a calorimeter.
virtual bool isTracker(const Vector3D &pos) const
True if region that contains pos is defined as a tracker.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getListOfLogicalVolumes(const Vector3D &pos) const
Names of (geant4) logical volumes in heirarchy starting at given pos ending with the world volume...
virtual Vector3D getLocalPosition(const Vector3D &pos) const
Position in local coordinate.
virtual double getTemperature(const Vector3D &pos) const
Name of material at pos.
virtual Vector3D getB(const Vector3D &pos) const
The magnetic field vector at pos in [Tesla].
virtual double getIntlen(const Vector3D &pos) const
Interaction length of material in mm at pos.
NotImplementedException used for features that are not implemented.
Simple three dimensional vector providing the components for cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coo...
long long long64
64 bit integer,e.g.to be used for cellids
virtual double getDensity(const Vector3D &pos) const
Density in kg/m^3 at pos.
virtual std::string getRegion(const Vector3D &pos) const
Names of (geant4) region that contains the given pos.
virtual double getPressure(const Vector3D &pos) const
Pressure in P at pos.
virtual double getRadlen(const Vector3D &pos) const
Radiation length of material in mm at pos.
virtual long64 getCellID(const Vector3D &pos) const
The cellID of the the sensitive detector at pos.
virtual const std::string & getMaterialName(const Vector3D &pos) const
Name of material at pos.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getListOfPhysicalVolumes(const Vector3D &pos) const
Names of (geant4) physical volumes in heirarchy starting at given pos ending with the world volume...
virtual Vector3D getE(const Vector3D &pos) const
The electric field vector at pos in [V/m].
virtual ~TGeoGearPointProperties()
TGeo implementation of the abstract interface that returns the (material) properties of a given point...
Abstract interface for a class that returns the (material) properties of a given point in in world co...