RAIDA  1.7.0
Classes | Variables
AIDA Namespace Reference

Class holding utility functions for RAIDA. More...


class  IAnalysisFactory
 The "master" factory from which other factories are obtained. More...
class  IAnnotation
 The annotation holds arbitrary information represented with (key,value) pairs of strings. More...
class  IAxis
 An IAxis represents a binned histogram axis. More...
class  IAxisStyle
 Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets). More...
class  IBaseHistogram
 class IAnnotation; More...
class  IBaseStyle
 Superclass for all styles in AIDA Plotting package. More...
class  IBrushStyle
 Superclass for anything which can be drawn in different colours and with (possibly) transparent/opaque/translucent effect. More...
class  ICloud
 User level interface to a Cloud. More...
class  ICloud1D
 User level interface to a 1D Cloud. More...
class  ICloud2D
 User level interface to a 2D Cloud. More...
class  ICloud3D
 User level interface to a 3D Cloud. More...
class  IDataPoint
 Basic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "measurements". More...
class  IDataPointSet
 Basic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "data points". More...
class  IDataPointSetFactory
 Basic user-level interface for creating a factory of IDataPointSet. More...
class  IDataStyle
 Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets). More...
class  IEvaluator
 User's level interface of an IEvaluator. More...
class  IFillStyle
 Style for all filled areas (boxes, regions, histograms, etc.) More...
class  IFilter
 User's level interface of an IFilter. More...
class  IFitData
interface  IFitFactory
 Factory for fitter and fit data objects. More...
class  IFitParameterSettings
class  IFitResult
interface  IFitter
 Fitter performs fits, scans and computes contours. More...
interface  IFunction
 Principal user-level function interface. More...
class  IFunctionCatalog
interface  IFunctionFactory
 Function factory. More...
class  IHistogram
 User level interface to Histogram. More...
class  IHistogram1D
 User level interface to 1D Histogram. More...
class  IHistogram2D
 User level interface to 2D Histogram. More...
class  IHistogram3D
 User level interface to 3D Histogram. More...
class  IHistogramFactory
 User level interface for factory classes of Histograms (binned, unbinned, and profile) The created objects are assumed to be managed by the tree which is associated to the factory. More...
class  IInfo
 The info class permits to access the info area of a region. More...
class  IInfoStyle
 Style for the part of the scene representing the info area. More...
class  ILineStyle
 Style for all lines (axis lines, legend box outlines, etc.) More...
class  IManagedObject
 An object which can be stored in a tree. More...
class  IMarkerStyle
 Style for all markers (histo representation, legend box etc.) More...
class  IMeasurement
 Basic user-level interface class for holding a single "measurement" with positive and negative errors (to allow for asymmetric errors). More...
interface  IModelFunction
 Interface of model function for fitting (for advanced users). More...
class  IPlotter
 User level interface to plotter. More...
class  IPlotterFactory
 Factory for plotter and styles. More...
class  IPlotterLayout
 Interface to permit customization of the layout of scene objects. More...
class  IPlotterRegion
 User level interface to a plotter region. More...
class  IPlotterStyle
 User level interface to plotter style. More...
class  IProfile
 User level interface to a Profile histogram. More...
class  IProfile1D
 User level interface to a 1-dimensional profile histogram. More...
class  IProfile2D
 User level interface to a 2-dimensional profile histogram. More...
class  IRangeSet
 User level interface to RangeSet. More...
class  ITextStyle
 Style for all text (e.g. More...
class  ITitleStyle
 Style for the "title scene part" of a plotting region or for the global title of a plotting page. More...
class  ITree
 class IManagedObject; More...
class  ITreeFactory
 The creator of trees. More...
class  ITuple
 User level interface to a Tuple. More...
class  ITupleEntry
 Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets). More...
class  ITupleFactory
 A factory for creating ITuples. More...
class  IAnalysisFactoryROOT
 The "master" factory from which other factories are obtained. More...
class  IAnnotationROOT
 The annotation holds arbitrary information represented with (key,value) pairs of strings. More...
class  IAxisROOT
 An IAxis represents a binned histogram axis. More...
class  IAxisStyleROOT
 Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets). More...
class  IBaseStyleROOT
 Superclass for all styles in AIDA Plotting package. More...
class  IBrushStyleROOT
 Superclass for anything which can be drawn in different colours and with (possibly) transparent/opaque/translucent effect. More...
class  ICloud1DROOT
 User level interface to a 1D Cloud. More...
class  ICloud2DROOT
 User level interface to a 2D Cloud. More...
class  ICloud3DROOT
 User level interface to a 3D Cloud. More...
class  IDataPointROOT
 Basic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "measurements". More...
class  IDataPointSetFactoryROOT
 Basic user-level interface for creating a factory of IDataPointSet. More...
class  IDataPointSetROOT
 Basic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "data points". More...
class  IDataStyleROOT
 Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets). More...
class  IEvaluatorROOT
 User's level interface of an IEvaluator. More...
class  IFillStyleROOT
 Style for all filled areas (boxes, regions, histograms, etc.) More...
class  IFilterROOT
 User's level interface of an IFilter. More...
class  IFitDataROOT
 Dummy implementation of the Abstract representation of the fit data. More...
class  IFitFactoryROOT
 Dummy implementation of class "IFitFactory". More...
class  IFitParameterSettingsROOT
 Dummy implementation of IFitParameterSettings. More...
class  IFitResultROOT
 Dummy implementation of the IFitResult class. More...
class  IFitterROOT
 Dummy implementation of the class "IFitter". More...
class  IFunctionCatalogROOT
class  IFunctionFactoryROOT
class  IFunctionROOT
class  IHistogram1DROOT
 class IAxis; More...
class  IHistogram2DROOT
 class IAxis; More...
class  IHistogram3DROOT
 class IAxis; More...
class  IHistogramFactoryROOT
 User level interface for factory classes of Histograms (binned, unbinned, and profile) The created objects are assumed to be managed by the tree which is associated to the factory. More...
class  IInfoROOT
 The info class permits to access the info area of a region. More...
class  IInfoStyleROOT
 Style for the part of the scene representing the info area. More...
class  ILineStyleROOT
 Style for all lines (axis lines, legend box outlines, etc.) More...
class  IManagedObjectROOT
 An object which can be stored in a tree. More...
class  IMarkerStyleROOT
 Style for all markers (histo representation, legend box etc.) More...
class  IMeasurementROOT
 Basic user-level interface class for holding a single "measurement" with positive and negative errors (to allow for asymmetric errors). More...
class  IModelFunctionROOT
class  IPlotterFactoryROOT
 Factory for plotter and styles. More...
class  IPlotterLayoutROOT
 Interface to permit customization of the layout of scene objects. More...
class  IPlotterRegionROOT
 Dummy implementation of thc class "IPlotterRegion". More...
class  IPlotterROOT
 User level interface to plotter. More...
class  IPlotterStyleROOT
 User level interface to plotter style. More...
class  IProfile1DROOT
 User level interface to a 1-dimensional profile histogram. More...
class  IProfile2DROOT
 User level interface to a 2-dimensional profile histogram. More...
class  IRangeSetROOT
 User level interface to RangeSet. More...
class  ITextStyleROOT
 Style for all text (e.g. More...
class  ITitleStyleROOT
 Style for the "title scene part" of a plotting region or for the global title of a plotting page. More...
class  ITreeFactoryROOT
 The creator of trees. More...
class  ITreeROOT
 class IManagedObject; More...
class  ITupleEntryROOT
 Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets). More...
class  ITupleFactoryROOT
 A factory for creating ITuples. More...
class  ITupleROOT
 User level interface to a Tuple. More...
class  LeafPoint
 This class holds the values to be filled into a n-tuple. More...
class  Naming
class  NotYetImplementedException
class  PathName
class  Settings
 Helper class to hold the current setting, the default setting and the possible settings for a key. More...


bool AIDAHistogramsInROOT = false

Detailed Description

Class holding utility functions for RAIDA.

#include <RAIDA/AIDA_createAnalysisFactory.h>

T. Kraemer, DESY
RAIDAUtil.h,v 1.4 2007-01-18 11:04:09 tkraemer Exp