MarlinTrkProcessors  2.4.1
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TruthTracker Class Reference

Track creation based on MC truth. More...

#include <TruthTracker.h>

Inheritance diagram for TruthTracker:


struct  SimTrackerHitSortPredicate

Public Member Functions

virtual marlin::Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
 Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More...
virtual void processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run)
 Called for every run.
virtual void processEvent (LCEvent *evt)
 Called for every event - the working horse.
virtual void check (LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()
 Called after data processing for clean up.

Protected Member Functions

const LCObjectVec * getSimHits (TrackerHit *trkhit, const FloatVec *weights=NULL)
int getDetectorID (TrackerHit *hit)
int getSideID (TrackerHit *hit)
int getLayerID (TrackerHit *hit)
int getModuleID (TrackerHit *hit)
int getSensorID (TrackerHit *hit)
LCCollection * GetCollection (LCEvent *evt, std::string colName)
 helper function to get collection using try catch block
LCRelationNavigator * GetRelations (LCEvent *evt, std::string RelName)
 helper function to get relations using try catch block
void SetupInputCollections (LCEvent *evt)
 sets up the different collections
void createTrack (MCParticle *mcp, UTIL::BitField64 &cellID_encoder, std::vector< std::pair< SimTrackerHit *, TrackerHit * > > &hit_list)
void createTrack_old (MCParticle *mcp, UTIL::BitField64 &cellID_encoder, std::vector< TrackerHit * > &hit_list)
void createTrack_iterative (MCParticle *mcp, UTIL::BitField64 &cellID_encoder, std::vector< std::pair< SimTrackerHit *, TrackerHit * > > &hit_list)
void drawEvent ()

Protected Attributes

UTIL::BitField64 * _encoder
std::string _colNameMCParticles
 input MCParticle collection
std::vector< std::string > _colNamesTrackerHits
 input TrackerHit collections
std::vector< std::string > _colNamesTrackerHitRelations
 input relation collections
std::vector< LCCollection * > _colTrackerHits
< LCRelationNavigator * > 
std::string _output_track_col_name
 output track collection
LCCollectionVec * _trackVec
std::string _output_track_rel_name
 Output track relations.
LCCollectionVec * _trackRelVec
std::string _output_track_segments_col_name
 output track segments collection, used for tracks which cannot be formed from a single fit
LCCollectionVec * _trackSegmentsVec
std::string _output_track_segment_rel_name
 Output track segments relations, used for tracks which cannot be formed from a single fit.
LCCollectionVec * _trackSegmentsRelVec
int _nMCP
int _n_run
int _n_evt
float _MCpThreshold
bool _useMCParticleParametersFotInitOfFit
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem * _trksystem
 pointer to the IMarlinTrkSystem instance
bool _runMarlinTrkDiagnostics
std::string _MarlinTrkDiagnosticsName
bool _FitTracksWithMarlinTrk
bool _create_prefit_using_MarlinTrk
bool _MSOn
bool _ElossOn
bool _SmoothOn
float _initialTrackError_d0
float _initialTrackError_phi0
float _initialTrackError_omega
float _initialTrackError_z0
float _initialTrackError_tanL
bool _UseIterativeFitting
bool _UseEventDisplay
double _maxChi2PerHit
double _Bz
unsigned _nCreatedTracks
EVENT::LCEvent * _current_event
int _detector_model_for_drawing
std::vector< int > _colours
float _helix_max_r
std::string _trkSystemName
int _fitDirection

Detailed Description

Track creation based on MC truth.

Input - Prerequisites

Needs a collections of LCIO TrackerHits.


LCIO Track Collection

TrackerHitsInputCollectionsName of the tracker hit input collections
(default value: FTDTrackerHits SITTrackerHits TPCTrackerHits VXDTrackerHits )
TrackerHitsRelInputCollectionsName of the lcrelation collections, that link the TrackerHits to their SimTrackerHits. Have to be in same order as TrackerHitsInputCollections!!!
(default value: FTDTrackerHitRelations SITTrackerHitRelations TPCTrackerHitRelations VXDTrackerHitRelations )
OutputTrackCollectionNameName of the output Track collection
(default value: TruthTracks )
OutputTrackRelCollectionName of the MCParticle-Track Relations collection for output tracks
(default value: TruthTracksMCP )
MCpThresholdTransverse Momentum Threshold MC particles which will produce tracks GeV
(default value: 0.1 )
FitTracksWithMarlinTrkFit the Tracks with MarlinTrk, otherwise take track parameters from MCParticle
(default value: true )
MultipleScatteringOnUse MultipleScattering in Fit
(default value: true )
EnergyLossOnUse Energy Loss in Fit
(default value: true )
SmoothOnSmooth All Mesurement Sites in Fit
(default value: false )
S. J. Aplin, DESY ; R. Glattauer, HEPHY

Member Function Documentation

void TruthTracker::init ( )

Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.

Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.

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