virtual marlin::Processor * | newProcessor () |
virtual void | init () |
| Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More...
virtual void | processRunHeader (lcio::LCRunHeader *run) |
| Called for every run.
virtual void | processEvent (lcio::LCEvent *evt) |
| Called for every event - the working horse.
virtual void | check (lcio::LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | end () |
| Called after data processing for clean up.
void | SelectBestCandidate (EVENT::TrackerHitVec &HitsInLayer, const float *&pivot, EVENT::TrackerHit *&BestHit, bool &BestHitFound, int &pointer) |
void | SelectBestCandidateLimited (EVENT::TrackerHitVec &HitsInLayer, const float *&pivot, EVENT::TrackerHit *&BestHit, const FloatVec &covLCIO, double &radius, bool &BestHitFound, double &sigma, int &pointer, int &PossibleHits, float &dU, float &dV, double &DimDist, TrackerHitVec &usedSiHits) |
int | FitInit (std::vector< TrackerHit * > trackerHits, MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrack *_marlinTrk) |
int | FitInit2 (Track *track, MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrack *_marlinTrk) |
lcio::LCCollection * | GetCollection (lcio::LCEvent *evt, std::string colName) |
lcio::LCRelationNavigator * | GetRelations (lcio::LCEvent *evt, std::string RelName) |
std::string | _input_track_col_name |
| Input track collection name for refitting.
std::string | _input_track_rel_name |
| Input track relations name for refitting.
std::string | _sitColName |
| Input SIT tracker summer hit collection.
std::string | _vxdColName |
| Input VXD tracker summer hit collection.
std::string | _output_track_col_name |
| refitted track collection name.
std::string | _output_track_rel_name |
| Output track relations name for refitting.
std::string | _siTrkColName |
| Output silicon track collection.
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem * | _trksystem |
| pointer to the IMarlinTrkSystem instance
std::string | _mcParticleCollectionName |
bool | _MSOn |
bool | _ElossOn |
bool | _SmoothOn |
bool | _dirInsideOut |
double | _Max_Chi2_Incr |
int | _tpcHitsCut |
float | _chi2NDoFCut |
float | _DoCut |
float | _ZoCut |
double | _searchSigma |
bool | _isSpacePoints |
int | _propToLayer |
int | _n_run |
int | _n_evt |
int | SITHitsFitted |
int | SITHitsNonFitted |
int | TotalSITHits |
int | _nHitsChi2 |
float | _maxChi2PerHit |
float | _bField |
StringVec | _colNamesTrackerHitRelations |
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.
Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.
References _trksystem.
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