MarlinTrk  2.2.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNMarlinTrkCreated by Steve Aplin on 9/16/11
|oCFactoryFactory methods for creating the MarlinTrkSystem of a certain type: KalTest, DDKalTest, aidaTT,...
Currently implemented: KalTest, DDKalTest
|oCIMarlinTrackInterface for generic tracks in MarlinTrk
|oCExceptionException thrown in IMarlinTrk namespace (implemetations of IMarlinTrkSystem and IMarlinTrack)
|oCIMarlinTrkSystemBase class for tracking system implementations in MarlinTrk
||\CCFG'Enums' for configuration options to be used with setOption()
|oCMarlinAidaTTInterface to KaltTest Kalman fitter - instantiates and holds the detector geometry
|oCMarlinDDKalTestInterface to KaltTest Kalman fitter - instantiates and holds the detector geometry
|oCMarlinKalTestInterface to KaltTest Kalman fitter - instantiates and holds the detector geometry
oCKalTrackFilterHelper class for defining a filter condition based on the delta chi2 in the AddAndFilter step