TTree * | fChain |
Int_t | fCurrent |
| pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
Int_t | nmcp |
| current Tree number in a TChain
Int_t | runNumber |
Int_t | eventNumber |
Int_t | mcp_pdg [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_generator_status [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_simulator_status [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_ndaughters [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_nparents [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_mass [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_charge [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_energy [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_px [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_py [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_pz [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_vx [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_vy [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_vz [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_fx [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_fy [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_fz [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_d0 [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_phi0 [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_omega [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_z0 [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_tanL [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_nhit_vxd [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_nhit_sit [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_nhit_ftd [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_nhit_tpc [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_nhit_set [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_nhit_etd [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_ntrk_linked [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_track_index_first [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_track_index_second [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | mcp_track_index_third [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_track_weight_first [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_track_weight_second [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_track_weight_third [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_track_weight_recp_first [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_track_weight_recp_second [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Float_t | mcp_track_weight_recp_third [MAX_MCPARTICLES] |
Int_t | ntracks |
Float_t | tracks_d0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_phi0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_omega [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_z0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_tanL [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_ref_point_x [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_ref_point_y [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_ref_point_z [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_type [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_chi2 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_prob [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_ndf [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_radius_innermost_hit [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_nhit_vxd [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_nhit_sit [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_nhit_ftd [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_nhit_tpc [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_nhit_set [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_nhit_etd [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_d0d0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_phi0d0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_phi0phi0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_omegad0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_omegaphi0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_omegaomega [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_z0d0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_z0phi0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_z0omega [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_z0z0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_tanLd0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_tanLphi0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_tanLomega [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_tanLz0 [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_cov_tanLtanL [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_nmcp_linked [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_mcp_index_first [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_mcp_index_second [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Int_t | tracks_mcp_index_third [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_mcp_weight_first [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_mcp_weight_second [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_mcp_weight_third [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_mcp_weight_recp_first [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_mcp_weight_recp_second [MAX_NTRACKS] |
Float_t | tracks_mcp_weight_recp_third [MAX_NTRACKS] |
TBranch * | b_eventNumber |
TBranch * | b_runNumber |
TBranch * | b_nmcp |
TBranch * | b_mcp_pdg |
TBranch * | b_mcp_generator_status |
TBranch * | b_mcp_simulator_status |
TBranch * | b_mcp_ndaughters |
TBranch * | b_mcp_nparents |
TBranch * | b_mcp_mass |
TBranch * | b_mcp_charge |
TBranch * | b_mcp_energy |
TBranch * | b_mcp_px |
TBranch * | b_mcp_py |
TBranch * | b_mcp_pz |
TBranch * | b_mcp_vx |
TBranch * | b_mcp_vy |
TBranch * | b_mcp_vz |
TBranch * | b_mcp_fx |
TBranch * | b_mcp_fy |
TBranch * | b_mcp_fz |
TBranch * | b_mcp_d0 |
TBranch * | b_mcp_phi0 |
TBranch * | b_mcp_omega |
TBranch * | b_mcp_z0 |
TBranch * | b_mcp_tanL |
TBranch * | b_mcp_nhit_vxd |
TBranch * | b_mcp_nhit_sit |
TBranch * | b_mcp_nhit_ftd |
TBranch * | b_mcp_nhit_tpc |
TBranch * | b_mcp_nhit_set |
TBranch * | b_mcp_nhit_etd |
TBranch * | b_mcp_ntrk_linked |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_index_first |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_index_second |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_index_third |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_weight_first |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_weight_second |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_weight_third |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_weight_recp_first |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_weight_recp_second |
TBranch * | b_mcp_track_weight_recp_third |
TBranch * | b_ntracks |
TBranch * | b_tracks_d0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_phi0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_omega |
TBranch * | b_tracks_z0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_tanL |
TBranch * | b_tracks_ref_point_x |
TBranch * | b_tracks_ref_point_y |
TBranch * | b_tracks_ref_point_z |
TBranch * | b_tracks_type |
TBranch * | b_tracks_chi2 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_prob |
TBranch * | b_tracks_ndf |
TBranch * | b_tracks_radius_innermost_hit |
TBranch * | b_tracks_nhit_vxd |
TBranch * | b_tracks_nhit_sit |
TBranch * | b_tracks_nhit_ftd |
TBranch * | b_tracks_nhit_tpc |
TBranch * | b_tracks_nhit_set |
TBranch * | b_tracks_nhit_etd |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_d0d0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_phi0d0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_phi0phi0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_omegad0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_omegaphi0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_omegaomega |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_z0d0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_z0phi0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_z0omega |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_z0z0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_tanLd0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_tanLphi0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_tanLomega |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_tanLz0 |
TBranch * | b_tracks_cov_tanLtanL |
TBranch * | b_tracks_nmcp_linked |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_index_first |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_index_second |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_index_third |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_weight_first |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_weight_second |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_weight_third |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_weight_recp_first |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_weight_recp_second |
TBranch * | b_tracks_mcp_weight_recp_third |