Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
\NtpcconddataNamespace for the TPCCondData Package: Provides TPC condition data objects for lccd
 oCADCChannelMappingClass to store the mapping pad (position) to the channel ID (electronic) also the type of the used electronic can be stored
 oCChannelCorrectionClass that combines information on ChannelCorrections for storage
 oCFieldSettingClass to store the field setting of a TPC with GEM-based amplification system
 oCGasConditionsClass to store the condition of the gas in a gaseous detector (e.g
 oCGenericADCElectronicsParametersClass that combines information on parameters and settings if the read-out electronics for storage
 oCPedestalClass that combines information on pedestals for storage
 oCTimePixParametersThe TimePix parameters
 oCTimePixPixelModeClass to store the mapping of the pixel modes of the TimePix a TimePixPixelMode contains three integers, the ChipID, the PixelID and the PixelMode furthermore it contains a struct called PixelKey of ChipID and PixelID as the key for the map
 oCExceptionException class for MarlinTPC conditions
 oCConditionsObjectExceptionConditionObjectException used for errors accessing the event data
 oCCondDataNotAvailableExceptionConditionsObjectException used for data not available
 oCCondDataWrongObjectExceptionConditionsObjectException used for wrong object
 oCInvalidDataExceptionBase exception for error involving some data having an invalid value
 oCTPCDistortionMeasurementClass to store the distortions measured with the photoelectric system using a laser
 \CWeatherConditionsClass to store the environment of a gaseous detector (e.g