1 #ifndef TimePixDigitisationProcessor_h
2 #define TimePixDigitisationProcessor_h 1
10 #include "marlin/Processor.h"
11 #include "TimePixMapListener.h"
12 #include "TimePixPixelMode.h"
18 #include <gear/TPCParameters.h>
58 virtual void check(lcio::LCEvent * evt ) ;
71 virtual int getTOT( std::vector< TPCVoxel > VoxelVec );
75 virtual int getMEDIPIX( std::vector< TPCVoxel > VoxelVec );
79 virtual int getTIME( std::vector< TPCVoxel > VoxelVec );
87 std::string _outputCollectionName;
104 gear::PadRowLayout2D
const * _padLayout;
108 tpcconddata::TimePixMap * _timePixMap;
110 AIDA::IHistogram1D * _distributionTimeValues;
std::string _inputCollectionName
Input/output collection names.
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:86
int _chipID
chipID of current chip
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:92
float _c
parameter to calculate TOT from electrons TOT = c/(ln(Q-a)-b)
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:101
float _b
parameter to calculate TOT from electrons TOT = c/(ln(Q-a)-b)
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:100
int _nColumn
number of columns on chip
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:90
int _appliedThreshold
the threshold of the TOT counts, applied by experimenter
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:96
The VoxelTPC is a helper class containing a std::map of all TPCVoxels which contain charge...
Definition: VoxelTPC.h:42
virtual int getTIME(std::vector< TPCVoxel > VoxelVec)
gives back the time - counts from this voxel
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.cc:381
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:34
virtual void end()
Called after data processing for clean up.
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.cc:311
float _propFactorElectronsADC
conversion factor from ADC counts to electrons
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:95
virtual void processEvent(lcio::LCEvent *evt)
Called for every event - the working horse.
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.cc:175
float _a
parameter to calculate TOT from electrons TOT = c/(ln(Q-a)-b)
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:99
virtual int getMEDIPIX(std::vector< TPCVoxel > VoxelVec)
gives back the medipix - counts from this voxel
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.cc:354
virtual void processRunHeader(lcio::LCRunHeader *run)
Called for every run.
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.cc:162
An LCFixedObject class to store charge in voxels of a TPC.
Definition: TPCVoxel.h:23
virtual int getTOT(TPCVoxel voxel)
gives back the tot - counts from this voxel
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.cc:318
float _shutter
the shutter time of the measurement in us
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:94
int _nRow
number of rows on chip
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:91
int _hardwareThreshold
the internal ADCcounts threshold of the chip
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:97
float _readoutFrequency
the readout frequency of chip in MHz
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.h:93
virtual void init()
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.
Definition: TimePixDigitisationProcessor.cc:138