6 #include <EVENT/LCCollection.h>
7 #include <EVENT/TrackerData.h>
8 #include <IMPL/TrackerDataImpl.h>
9 #include <EVENT/TrackerPulse.h>
12 #include <marlin/Processor.h>
15 #include <lccd/ConditionsMap.hh>
17 #include "GenericADCElectronicsParameters.h"
122 virtual Processor* newProcessor()
131 virtual void processRunHeader(lcio::LCRunHeader* run);
133 virtual void processEvent(lcio::LCEvent* evt);
135 virtual void check(lcio::LCEvent* evt);
float _pulseEndPedestalWidthFactor
factor to calculate the start threshold
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:173
std::string _inputColName
name of the collection, where input data are stored
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:142
This processor creates lcio::TrackerPulse objects from lcio::TrackerData.
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:117
int _polarityOverride
the polarity of all readout groups, overrides LCCD
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:209
int _maxPlateauLength
The maximum length of a plateau within a pulse in time bins.
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:214
int _saveNBinsBeforeStart
of bins stored before the start threshold
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:179
std::string _outputPulseColName
name of the collection, where TrackerPulse are stored
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:146
The PulseFinder class is working horse of the ModularPulseFinderProcessor.
Definition: PulseFinder.h:66
bool _isPedestalSubtractedOverride
Sets, if the data is already pedestal subtracted in the read-out electronics.
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:205
bool _outputIsPersistent
Set this flag to use the amplitude (maximum bin value) of the pulse as the charge.
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:160
std::string _electrParaObjName
Name of the conditions object in which the parameters of the read out electronics is stored...
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:151
float _readoutFrequencyOverride
The readout frequency of every readout group (in MHz).
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:193
double _timeCalculationParameter
parameter for time methods (different meaning for different methods)
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:168
int _timeCalculationMode
the mode to calulate the time
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:167
float _maximumADCValueOverride
maximum adc value, needed to determine if a pulse is maxed out
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:189
float _minimumPulseHeight
minimal value for the maximum adc value
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:175
bool _forceSpectrumSave
if not 0 the ADC spectrum will be saved for all pulses
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:163
std::string _outputDataColName
name of the collection, where TrackerData are stored
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:144
float _pedestalWidthOverride
The pedestal width to be used for every hardware channel in every readout group.
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:201
int _saveNBinsAfterEnd
of bins stored after the end threshold
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:181
PulseFinder * _pulseFinder
The instance of the pulse finder object.
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:216
float _noiseValuePedestalWidthFactor
factor to calculate the noise cut
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:183
int _chargeCalculationMode
the mode to calulate the charge
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:166
bool _switchOffSplitting
if not 0 pulses will not be split
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:165
float _pulseStartPedestalWidthFactor
factor to calculate the start threshold
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:171
int _minimumPulseLength
minimal length for a pulse in number of time bins
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:177
std::string _electrParaColName
Name of the conditions collection in which the parameters of the read out electronics is stored...
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:154
float _pedestalValueOverride
The pedestal value to be used for every hardware channel in every readout group.
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:197
std::string _pedestalColName
the name of the pedestal collection
Definition: PulseFinderProcessor.h:148