"MarlinReco"  1.16.0
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
MokkaCaloDigi Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MokkaCaloDigi:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
 Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More...
virtual void processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run)
 Called for every run.
virtual void processEvent (LCEvent *evt)
 Called for every event - the working horse.
virtual void check (LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()
 Called after data processing for clean up.
MyHitProcessHitInBarrel (SimCalorimeterHit *hit)
MyHitProcessHitInEndcap (SimCalorimeterHit *hit)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< std::string > _ecalCollections
std::vector< std::string > _hcalCollections
std::string _newCollNameHCAL
std::string _newCollNameECAL
std::string _relationCollName
int _nRun
int _nEvt
float _thresholdEcal
float _thresholdHcal
int _digitalEcal
int _digitalHcal
std::vector< int > _ecalLayers
std::vector< int > _hcalLayers
std::vector< float > _calibrCoeffEcal
std::vector< float > _calibrCoeffHcal
float * _endBarrelChamberLength
float * _barrelLateralWidth
float * _barrelOffsetMaxX
float * _endBarrelOffsetMaxZ
float _regularBarrelOffsetMaxZ
float _lateralPlateThickness
float _modulesGap
float _innerHcalRadius
int _numberOfHcalLayers
int _nStaves
int _nModules
int _cellScaleX
int _cellScaleZ
float _newCellSizeX
float _newCellSizeZ
float _hcalLayerThickness
float _hcalAbsorberThickness
float _hcalSensitiveThickness
float _virtualCellSizeX
float _virtualCellSizeZ
float _regularBarrelModuleLength
float _regularBarrelChamberLength
float _deltaPhi
std::vector< std::vector
< MyHit * > > 
LCCollectionVec * _relationCollection
int _startIEndcap
int _startJEndcap
float _startXEndcap
float _startZEndcap

Member Function Documentation

virtual void MokkaCaloDigi::init ( )

Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.

Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: