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TrackCreator::Settings Class Reference

Settings class. More...

#include <TrackCreator.h>

Public Member Functions

 Settings ()
 Default constructor.

Public Attributes

StringVector m_trackCollections
 The reconstructed track collections.
StringVector m_kinkVertexCollections
 The kink vertex collections.
StringVector m_prongVertexCollections
 The prong vertex collections.
StringVector m_splitVertexCollections
 The split vertex collections.
StringVector m_v0VertexCollections
 The v0 vertex collections.
StringVector m_prongSplitVertexCollections
 Concatenated list of prong and split vertex collections.
int m_shouldFormTrackRelationships
 Whether to form pandora track relationships using v0 and kink info.
int m_minTrackHits
 Track quality cut: the minimum number of track hits.
int m_minFtdTrackHits
 Track quality cut: the minimum number of FTD track hits for FTD only tracks.
int m_maxTrackHits
 Track quality cut: the maximum number of track hits.
float m_d0TrackCut
 Track d0 cut used to determine whether track can be used to form pfo.
float m_z0TrackCut
 Track z0 cut used to determine whether track can be used to form pfo.
int m_usingNonVertexTracks
 Whether can form pfos from tracks that don't start at vertex.
int m_usingUnmatchedNonVertexTracks
 Whether can form pfos from unmatched tracks that don't start at vertex.
int m_usingUnmatchedVertexTracks
 Whether can form pfos from unmatched tracks that start at vertex.
float m_unmatchedVertexTrackMaxEnergy
 Maximum energy for unmatched vertex track.
float m_d0UnmatchedVertexTrackCut
 d0 cut used to determine whether unmatched vertex track can form pfo
float m_z0UnmatchedVertexTrackCut
 z0 cut used to determine whether unmatched vertex track can form pfo
float m_zCutForNonVertexTracks
 Non vtx track z cut to determine whether track can be used to form pfo.
int m_reachesECalNTpcHits
 Minimum number of tpc hits to consider track as reaching ecal.
int m_reachesECalNFtdHits
 Minimum number of ftd hits to consider track as reaching ecal.
float m_reachesECalTpcOuterDistance
 Max distance from track to tpc r max to id whether track reaches ecal.
int m_reachesECalMinFtdLayer
 Min layer in Ftd for tracks to be considered to have reached decal.
float m_reachesECalTpcZMaxDistance
 Max distance from track to tpc z max to id whether track reaches ecal.
float m_reachesECalFtdZMaxDistance
 Max distance from track hit to ftd z position to identify ftd hits.
float m_curvatureToMomentumFactor
 Constant relating track curvature in b field to momentum.
float m_minTrackECalDistanceFromIp
 Sanity check on separation between ip and track projected ecal position.
float m_maxTrackSigmaPOverP
 Track fraction momentum error cut.
float m_minMomentumForTrackHitChecks
 Min track momentum required to perform final quality checks on number of hits.
float m_tpcMembraneMaxZ
 Tpc membrane max z coordinate.
float m_maxTpcInnerRDistance
 Track cut on distance from tpc inner r to id whether track can form pfo.
float m_minTpcHitFractionOfExpected
 Minimum fraction of TPC hits compared to expected.
int m_minFtdHitsForTpcHitFraction
 Minimum number of FTD hits to ignore TPC hit fraction.

Detailed Description

Settings class.

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