The main namespace in Marlin. More...
Classes | |
class | AIDAProcessor |
Provides access to AIDA histograms, ntuples, etc. More... | |
class | CCCollection |
handles information about LCIO collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck More... | |
class | CCProcessor |
handles information about marlin processors and their collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck More... | |
class | CMProcessor |
This singleton class contains an instance of every available marlin processor type. More... | |
class | ConditionsProcessor |
Processor that provides access to conditions data in a Marlin application. More... | |
class | DataSourceProcessor |
Base class for data source handlers that can read arbitrary non-LCIO input files and create LCIO events and run headers from that. More... | |
class | ErrorOfSigma |
Small helper class that computes the lower and upper error of sigma assuming a normal distribution, i.e. More... | |
class | EventModifier |
Tagging interface for processors that modify the LCIO event. More... | |
class | ParseException |
ParseException used for parse errors, e.g. More... | |
class | SkipEventException |
SkipEventException used to skip the current event in Processor::processEvent. More... | |
class | StopProcessingException |
StopProcessingException used to stop the current proccessing of events and call Processor::end(). More... | |
class | RewindDataFilesException |
RewindDataFilesException used to stop the current proccessing of events, rewind to the first event and restart the processing. More... | |
class | Global |
Simple global class for Marlin. More... | |
class | IFourVectorSmearer |
Interface for smearing of four vectors - based on CLHEP::HepLorentzVector. More... | |
class | IParser |
Interface for a parser of a steering file to be used with marlin. More... | |
class | IRecoParticleFactory |
Interface for a factory class that creates a ReconstructedParticle from an MCParticle. More... | |
class | LCIOOutputProcessor |
Default output processor. More... | |
struct | Expression |
Helper struct for LogicalExpression. More... | |
class | Tokenizer |
Helper class for LogicalExpressions that splits the expression into subexpressions - needs to be apllied iteratively. More... | |
class | LogicalExpressions |
Helper class that holds named boolean values and named conditions that are expressions of these values and computes the corresponding truth values. More... | |
class | MarlinSteerCheck |
this class is a Marlin Steering File consistency check Tool. More... | |
class | Parser |
Simple parser class for Marlin. More... | |
class | LCTokenizer |
Helper class for Parser. More... | |
class | Processor |
Base class for Marlin processors. More... | |
class | ProcessorEventSeeder |
Processor event seeder - provides independent pseudo-randomly generated seeds for registered processors on an event by event basis. More... | |
class | ProcessorLoader |
Processor loader - loads shared libraries with marlin processors. More... | |
class | ProcessorMgr |
Processor manager singleton class. More... | |
class | ProcessorParameter |
Class that holds a steering variable for a marlin processor - automatically created by Processor::registerProcessorParameter() More... | |
class | ProcessorParameter_t |
Templated implementation of ProcessorParameter - automatically created by Processor::registerProcessorParameter() More... | |
struct | ClusterResolution |
Small helper class to store calorimeter resolutions for a polar angle range. More... | |
class | SimpleClusterSmearer |
Smears the four vectors of (neutral) clusters according to dE/E = A "+" B / sqrt( E/GeV ) for a given range of the polar angle. More... | |
class | SimpleFastMCProcessor |
A simple smearing "Monte Carlo" processor. More... | |
class | SimpleParticleFactory |
Implementation of IRecoParticleFactory that implements the default behaviour as described in SimpleFastMCProcessor, i.e. More... | |
struct | TrackResolution |
Small helper class to store tracker resolutions for a polar angle range. More... | |
class | SimpleTrackSmearer |
Smears the four vectors of charged tracks according to dP/P = r for a given range of the polar angle. More... | |
class | StdHepReader |
Reads binary StdHep files. More... | |
class | StringParameters |
Simple parameters class for Marlin. More... | |
class | TestProcessor |
Simple processor for testing. More... | |
class | XMLFixCollTypes |
Internal helper class that creates a new xml steering file with the parameter attributes lcioInType and lcioOutType for the processors as defined by the Processor subclasses. More... | |
class | XMLParser |
XML parser for Marlin steering files. More... | |
struct | Cmp |
struct | ProcMgrStopProcessing |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::set< std::string > | sSet |
typedef std::vector < CCCollection * > | ColVec |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | ssMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, ssMap > | sssMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, ColVec > | sColVecMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, sColVecMap > | ssColVecMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, bool > | sbMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, StringParameters * > | sSPMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::string > > | CommandLineParametersMap |
typedef std::vector < CCProcessor * > | ProcVec |
typedef std::map< std::string, StringParameters * > | StringParametersMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, ProcessorParameter * > | ProcParamMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | LCIOTypeMap |
typedef std::map< const std::string, Processor * > | ProcessorMap |
typedef std::list< Processor * > | ProcessorList |
typedef std::map< const std::string, int > | SkippedEventMap |
typedef std::map< Processor *, std::pair< double, int > > | TimeMap |
Enumerations | |
enum | FastMCParticleType { UNKNOWN = 0, CHARGED = 1, PHOTON = 2, NEUTRAL_HADRON = 3, NEUTRINO = 4 } |
Enumeration that defines integer constants for various particle types used in the fast Monte Carlo. More... | |
Functions | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, Expression &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, ProcessorParameter &p) |
void | toStream (std::ostream &s, int i, int N) |
Helper function for printing parameter vectors. | |
void | toStream (std::ostream &s, float f, int N) |
void | toStream (std::ostream &s, double d, int N) |
void | toStream (std::ostream &s, const std::string &str, int N) |
void | toStream (std::ostream &s, bool b, int N) |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | toStream (std::ostream &s, const std::vector< T > &v, int N) |
template<class T1 > | |
void | setProcessorParameter (ProcessorParameter_t< T1 > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
int | intVal (const std::string &str) |
float | floatVal (const std::string &str) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, StringParameters &p) |
template<> | |
void | setProcessorParameter< int > (ProcessorParameter_t< int > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
template<> | |
void | setProcessorParameter< float > (ProcessorParameter_t< float > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
template<> | |
void | setProcessorParameter< double > (ProcessorParameter_t< double > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
template<> | |
void | setProcessorParameter< std::string > (ProcessorParameter_t< std::string > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
template<> | |
void | setProcessorParameter< IntVec > (ProcessorParameter_t< IntVec > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
template<> | |
void | setProcessorParameter< FloatVec > (ProcessorParameter_t< FloatVec > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
template<> | |
void | setProcessorParameter< StringVec > (ProcessorParameter_t< StringVec > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
template<> | |
void | setProcessorParameter< bool > (ProcessorParameter_t< bool > *procParam, StringParameters *params) |
template<class T > | |
bool | convert (std::string input, T &value) |
Variables | |
AIDAProcessor | aAIDAProcessor |
ConditionsProcessor | aConditionsProcessor |
LCIOOutputProcessor | anLCIOOutputProcessor |
static clock_t | start_t |
static clock_t | end_t |
static TimeMap | tMap |
streamlog::logstream | my_cout |
SimpleFastMCProcessor | aSimpleFastMCProcessor |
StdHepReader | aStdHepReader |
TestProcessor | aTestProcessor |
The main namespace in Marlin.
Enumeration that defines integer constants for various particle types used in the fast Monte Carlo.