KiTrack  1.7.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 oCCrit2_DeltaPhiCriterion: the difference between the $ \phi $ angles of two hits in degrees
 oCCrit2_DeltaPhi_MVCriterion: the difference between the $ \phi $ angles of two hits in degrees
 oCCrit2_DeltaRhoCriterion: the difference of the sqrt(x^2 + y^2) of two hits
 oCCrit2_DeltaTheta_MVCriterion: the difference between the $ \theta $ angles of two hits in degrees
 oCCrit2_Distance_MVCriterion: the difference between the $ \phi $ angles of two hits in degrees
 oCCrit2_HelixWithIPCriterion: Check if two hits are compatible with a helix crossing the IP
 oCCrit2_RZRatioCriterion: distance of two hits divided by their z-distance
 oCCrit2_StraightTrackRatioCriterion: for straight tracks: if the line between the two hits points towards IP
 oCCrit3_2DAngleCriterion: the angle between two 2-segments in the xy - plane
 oCCrit3_2DAngleTimesRCriterion: the angle in the xy plane between two 2-segments multiplied by the radius of the circle they form
 oCCrit3_3DAngleCriterion: the angle between two 2-segments
 oCCrit3_3DAngleTimesRCriterion: the angle between two 2-segments multiplied by the radius of the circle the segments form
 oCCrit3_ChangeRZRatioCriterion: the change of the ratio of the distance of two hits over the z distance
 oCCrit3_IPCircleDistCriterion: the distance of the IP from the circle the 3 hits form (in the xy plane)
 oCCrit3_IPCircleDistTimesRCriterion: the distance of the circle formed by the two segments from the IP multiplied by R
 oCCrit3_NoZigZag_MVCriterion: forbids zig zagging: measure the angles in the xy plane, transpose them to the range from -pi to pi and multiply: if there is a zigzag, the sign of the angle switches and the product of both angles becomes negative
 oCCrit3_PTCriterion: the transversal momentum
 oCCrit3_PT_MVCriterion: the transversal momentum
 oCCrit4_2DAngleChangeCriterion: change of the angle (in the xy plane) between segments in the xy plane
 oCCrit4_3DAngleChangeCriterion: change of the angle between segments
 oCCrit4_3DAngleChangeNormedCriterion: check for the change of the 3D angle and normalise it with R
 oCCrit4_DistOfCircleCentersCriterion: make circles from the semgments and measure the distances of their centers
 oCCrit4_DistToExtrapolationCriterion: use the first 3 hits to extrapolate the location in xy for a given z of the last hit
 oCCrit4_NoZigZagCriterion: forbids zig zagging: measure the angles in the xy plane, transpose them to the range from -pi to pi and multiply: if there is a zigzag, the sign of the angle switches and the product of both angles becomes negative
 oCCrit4_PhiZRatioChangeCriterion: check for the change of $ \frac{\phi}{Z} $
 oCCrit4_RChangeCriterion: check for the change of the radii of the circles that can be made from the 3-hit segments
 oCCriteriaInformation about all Criteria
 oCICriterionAn Interface for Criteria
 oCSimpleCircleA simple class representing a circle
 oCAutomatonA class for the cellular automaton
 oCHopfieldNeuralNetRepresents a Hopfield Neural Network
 oCIHitAn Interface for hits
 oCISectorConnectorAbstract Base Class for SectorConnectors
 oCISectorSystemAn interface for Sector Systems
 oCITrackAbstract Base Class for tracks
 oCKiTrackExceptionBase exception class for KiTrack - all other exceptions extend this
 oCOutOfRangeOut of range exception, used when the user tries to access layers oder sensors, that are not implemented
 oCInvalidParameterInvalid Parameter exception
 oCBadSegmentLengthWrong segment length exception
 oCUnknownCriterionUnknown criterion exception
 oCSegmentA Segment is something like a track or a part of a track: it consists of hits linked together
 oCSegmentBuilderThis classe builds the Cellular Automaton from the hits
 oCSubsetA base class for subsets
 oCSubsetHopfieldNNA class to get the best subset with help of a Hopfield Neural Network
 \CSubsetSimpleA class to get the best subset by taking the element with the highest quality indicator and throwing away all incompatible ones