KiTrack  1.7.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCKiTrack::AutomatonA class for the cellular automaton
oCKiTrack::CriteriaInformation about all Criteria
|\CKiTrack::KiTrackExceptionBase exception class for KiTrack - all other exceptions extend this
| oCKiTrack::BadSegmentLengthWrong segment length exception
| oCKiTrack::InvalidParameterInvalid Parameter exception
| oCKiTrack::OutOfRangeOut of range exception, used when the user tries to access layers oder sensors, that are not implemented
| \CKiTrack::UnknownCriterionUnknown criterion exception
oCKiTrack::HopfieldNeuralNetRepresents a Hopfield Neural Network
oCKiTrack::ICriterionAn Interface for Criteria
|oCKiTrack::Crit2_DeltaPhiCriterion: the difference between the $ \phi $ angles of two hits in degrees
|oCKiTrack::Crit2_DeltaPhi_MVCriterion: the difference between the $ \phi $ angles of two hits in degrees
|oCKiTrack::Crit2_DeltaRhoCriterion: the difference of the sqrt(x^2 + y^2) of two hits
|oCKiTrack::Crit2_DeltaTheta_MVCriterion: the difference between the $ \theta $ angles of two hits in degrees
|oCKiTrack::Crit2_Distance_MVCriterion: the difference between the $ \phi $ angles of two hits in degrees
|oCKiTrack::Crit2_HelixWithIPCriterion: Check if two hits are compatible with a helix crossing the IP
|oCKiTrack::Crit2_RZRatioCriterion: distance of two hits divided by their z-distance
|oCKiTrack::Crit2_StraightTrackRatioCriterion: for straight tracks: if the line between the two hits points towards IP
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_2DAngleCriterion: the angle between two 2-segments in the xy - plane
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_2DAngleTimesRCriterion: the angle in the xy plane between two 2-segments multiplied by the radius of the circle they form
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_3DAngleCriterion: the angle between two 2-segments
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_3DAngleTimesRCriterion: the angle between two 2-segments multiplied by the radius of the circle the segments form
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_ChangeRZRatioCriterion: the change of the ratio of the distance of two hits over the z distance
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_IPCircleDistCriterion: the distance of the IP from the circle the 3 hits form (in the xy plane)
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_IPCircleDistTimesRCriterion: the distance of the circle formed by the two segments from the IP multiplied by R
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_NoZigZag_MVCriterion: forbids zig zagging: measure the angles in the xy plane, transpose them to the range from -pi to pi and multiply: if there is a zigzag, the sign of the angle switches and the product of both angles becomes negative
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_PTCriterion: the transversal momentum
|oCKiTrack::Crit3_PT_MVCriterion: the transversal momentum
|oCKiTrack::Crit4_2DAngleChangeCriterion: change of the angle (in the xy plane) between segments in the xy plane
|oCKiTrack::Crit4_3DAngleChangeCriterion: change of the angle between segments
|oCKiTrack::Crit4_3DAngleChangeNormedCriterion: check for the change of the 3D angle and normalise it with R
|oCKiTrack::Crit4_DistOfCircleCentersCriterion: make circles from the semgments and measure the distances of their centers
|oCKiTrack::Crit4_DistToExtrapolationCriterion: use the first 3 hits to extrapolate the location in xy for a given z of the last hit
|oCKiTrack::Crit4_NoZigZagCriterion: forbids zig zagging: measure the angles in the xy plane, transpose them to the range from -pi to pi and multiply: if there is a zigzag, the sign of the angle switches and the product of both angles becomes negative
|oCKiTrack::Crit4_PhiZRatioChangeCriterion: check for the change of $ \frac{\phi}{Z} $
|\CKiTrack::Crit4_RChangeCriterion: check for the change of the radii of the circles that can be made from the 3-hit segments
oCKiTrack::IHitAn Interface for hits
oCKiTrack::ISectorConnectorAbstract Base Class for SectorConnectors
oCKiTrack::ISectorSystemAn interface for Sector Systems
oCKiTrack::ITrackAbstract Base Class for tracks
oCKiTrack::SegmentA Segment is something like a track or a part of a track: it consists of hits linked together
oCKiTrack::SegmentBuilderThis classe builds the Cellular Automaton from the hits
oCKiTrack::SimpleCircleA simple class representing a circle
oCKiTrack::SorterQI< T, QI >
\CKiTrack::Subset< T >A base class for subsets
 oCKiTrack::SubsetHopfieldNN< T >A class to get the best subset with help of a Hopfield Neural Network
 \CKiTrack::SubsetSimple< T >A class to get the best subset by taking the element with the highest quality indicator and throwing away all incompatible ones