Feedback for the efficiency and the ghostrate of the tracking. More...
#include <TrackingFeedbackProcessor.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual Processor * | newProcessor () |
virtual void | init () |
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More... | |
virtual void | processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run) |
Called for every run. | |
virtual void | processEvent (LCEvent *evt) |
Called for every event - the working horse. | |
virtual void | check (LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | end () |
Called after data processing for clean up. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | checkTheTrack (RecoTrack *recoTrack) |
TrueTrack * | getAssignedTrueTrack (std::vector< TrueTrack * > relatedTrueTracks, unsigned &nHitsFromAssignedTrueTrack) |
unsigned | getNumberOfHitsFromDifferentLayers (std::vector< TrackerHit * > hits) |
double | getDistToIP (MCParticle *mcp) |
void | saveRootInformation () |
void | makeRootBranches () |
void | setRootBranches () |
Protected Attributes | |
double | _Bz |
std::string | _colNameMCTrueTracksRel |
Input collection name. | |
std::string | _TrackCollection |
std::string | _tableFileName |
int | _nRun |
int | _nEvt |
double | _cutPtMin |
double | _cutDistToIPMax |
double | _cutChi2Prob |
int | _cutNHitsMin |
bool | _cutNHitsMin_HitsCountOncePerLayer |
double | _cutThetaMin |
double | _cutThetaMax |
bool | _cutFitFails |
bool | _MSOn |
bool | _ElossOn |
bool | _SmoothOn |
unsigned | _nComplete |
unsigned | _nCompletePlus |
unsigned | _nLost |
unsigned | _nIncomplete |
unsigned | _nIncompletePlus |
unsigned | _nGhost |
unsigned | _nFoundCompletely |
unsigned | _nRecoTracks |
unsigned | _nDismissedTrueTracks |
unsigned | _nValidTrueTracks |
unsigned | _nClones |
unsigned | _nComplete_Sum |
unsigned | _nCompletePlus_Sum |
unsigned | _nLost_Sum |
unsigned | _nIncomplete_Sum |
unsigned | _nIncompletePlus_Sum |
unsigned | _nGhost_Sum |
unsigned | _nFoundCompletely_Sum |
unsigned | _nRecoTracks_Sum |
unsigned | _nDismissedTrueTracks_Sum |
unsigned | _nValidTrueTracks_Sum |
unsigned | _nClones_Sum |
std::vector< TrueTrack * > | _trueTracks |
std::vector< RecoTrack * > | _recoTracks |
bool | _drawMCPTracks |
bool | _saveAllEventsSummary |
std::string | _summaryFileName |
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem * | _trkSystem |
TTree * | _treeTrueTracks |
TTree * | _treeRecoTracks |
TFile * | _rootFile |
std::string | _rootFileName |
bool | _rootFileAppend |
std::string | _treeNameTrueTracks |
std::string | _treeNameRecoTracks |
float | _rateOfFoundHitsMin |
float | _rateOfAssignedHitsMin |
int | _trueTrack_nComplete |
int | _trueTrack_nCompletePlus |
int | _trueTrack_nIncomplete |
int | _trueTrack_nIncompletePlus |
int | _trueTrack_nSum |
double | _trueTrack_pt |
double | _trueTrack_theta |
int | _trueTrack_nHits |
double | _trueTrack_vertexX |
double | _trueTrack_vertexY |
double | _trueTrack_vertexZ |
double | _trueTrack_chi2prob |
double | _trueTrack_chi2 |
int | _trueTrack_Ndf |
int | _recoTrack_nTrueTracks |
double | _recoTrack_pt |
double | _recoTrack_chi2prob |
double | _recoTrack_chi2 |
int | _recoTrack_Ndf |
Feedback for the efficiency and the ghostrate of the tracking.
A collection of reconstructed tracks and a relation collection that relates true tracks with monte carlo particles
Results will be output to screen (depending of debug level), to a csv file and to a root file
TrackCollection | Name of Track collection to check (default value ForwardTracks ) |
MCTrueTrackRelCollectionName | Name of the TrueTrack MC Relation collection (default value TrueTracksMCP ) |
TableFileName | Name of the table file for saving the results (default value TrackingFeedback.csv ) |
SaveAllEventsSummary | If true the results of all events are summed up and saved in the file specified under SummaryFileName (default value false ) |
SummaryFileName | All events are summed up and saved in this file, if SaveAllEventsSummary == true (default value TrackingFeedbackSum.csv ) |
MultipleScatteringOn | Whether to take multiple scattering into account when fitting the tracks (default value true ) |
EnergyLossOn | Whether to take energy loss into account when fitting the tracks (default value true ) |
SmoothOn | Whether to smooth all measurement sites in fit (default value false ) |
CutPtMin | The minimum transversal momentum pt above which tracks are of interest in GeV (default value 0.1 ) |
CutDistToIPMax | The maximum distance from the origin of the MCP to the IP (0,0,0) (default value 10000 ) |
CutChi2Prob | Tracks with a chi2 probability below this value won't be considered (default value 0.005 ) |
CutNumberOfHitsMin | The minimum number of hits a track must have (default value 4 ) |
CutNumberOfHitsMin_HitsCountOncePerLayer | Whether the hits used for the cut CutNumberOfHitsMin only count once for each layer, i.e double hits on a layer count as one (default value false, i.e. every hit counts ) |
CutThetaMin | The minimum theta of the track in deg (default value 0 ) |
CutThetaMax | The maximum theta of the track in deg (default value 91 ) |
CutFitFails | Whether to cut all tracks that fail at fitting (default value false ) |
DrawMCPTracks | Draw the helices of the MCP (values at IP) in CED (default value false ) |
RateOfFoundHitsMin | More than this rate of hits of the real track must be in a reco track to be assigned (default value 0.5 ) |
RateOfAssignedHitsMin | More than this rate of hits of the reco track must belong to the true track to be assigned (default value 0.5 ) |
RootFileName | Name for the root file where the tracks are saved (default value "Feedback.root") |
RootFileAppend | Whether the root output file should be appended to an existing one (default value false) |
virtual |
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.
Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.