ForwardTracking  1.10.0
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TrackingFeedbackProcessor Class Reference

Feedback for the efficiency and the ghostrate of the tracking. More...

#include <TrackingFeedbackProcessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for TrackingFeedbackProcessor:

Public Member Functions

virtual Processor * newProcessor ()
virtual void init ()
 Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More...
virtual void processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run)
 Called for every run.
virtual void processEvent (LCEvent *evt)
 Called for every event - the working horse.
virtual void check (LCEvent *evt)
virtual void end ()
 Called after data processing for clean up.

Protected Member Functions

void checkTheTrack (RecoTrack *recoTrack)
TrueTrackgetAssignedTrueTrack (std::vector< TrueTrack * > relatedTrueTracks, unsigned &nHitsFromAssignedTrueTrack)
unsigned getNumberOfHitsFromDifferentLayers (std::vector< TrackerHit * > hits)
double getDistToIP (MCParticle *mcp)
void saveRootInformation ()
void makeRootBranches ()
void setRootBranches ()

Protected Attributes

double _Bz
std::string _colNameMCTrueTracksRel
 Input collection name.
std::string _TrackCollection
std::string _tableFileName
int _nRun
int _nEvt
double _cutPtMin
double _cutDistToIPMax
double _cutChi2Prob
int _cutNHitsMin
bool _cutNHitsMin_HitsCountOncePerLayer
double _cutThetaMin
double _cutThetaMax
bool _cutFitFails
bool _MSOn
bool _ElossOn
bool _SmoothOn
unsigned _nComplete
unsigned _nCompletePlus
unsigned _nLost
unsigned _nIncomplete
unsigned _nIncompletePlus
unsigned _nGhost
unsigned _nFoundCompletely
unsigned _nRecoTracks
unsigned _nDismissedTrueTracks
unsigned _nValidTrueTracks
unsigned _nClones
unsigned _nComplete_Sum
unsigned _nCompletePlus_Sum
unsigned _nLost_Sum
unsigned _nIncomplete_Sum
unsigned _nIncompletePlus_Sum
unsigned _nGhost_Sum
unsigned _nFoundCompletely_Sum
unsigned _nRecoTracks_Sum
unsigned _nDismissedTrueTracks_Sum
unsigned _nValidTrueTracks_Sum
unsigned _nClones_Sum
std::vector< TrueTrack * > _trueTracks
std::vector< RecoTrack * > _recoTracks
bool _drawMCPTracks
bool _saveAllEventsSummary
std::string _summaryFileName
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem * _trkSystem
TTree * _treeTrueTracks
TTree * _treeRecoTracks
TFile * _rootFile
std::string _rootFileName
bool _rootFileAppend
std::string _treeNameTrueTracks
std::string _treeNameRecoTracks
float _rateOfFoundHitsMin
float _rateOfAssignedHitsMin
int _trueTrack_nComplete
int _trueTrack_nCompletePlus
int _trueTrack_nIncomplete
int _trueTrack_nIncompletePlus
int _trueTrack_nSum
double _trueTrack_pt
double _trueTrack_theta
int _trueTrack_nHits
double _trueTrack_vertexX
double _trueTrack_vertexY
double _trueTrack_vertexZ
double _trueTrack_chi2prob
double _trueTrack_chi2
int _trueTrack_Ndf
int _recoTrack_nTrueTracks
double _recoTrack_pt
double _recoTrack_chi2prob
double _recoTrack_chi2
int _recoTrack_Ndf

Detailed Description

Feedback for the efficiency and the ghostrate of the tracking.

Input - Prerequisites

A collection of reconstructed tracks and a relation collection that relates true tracks with monte carlo particles


Results will be output to screen (depending of debug level), to a csv file and to a root file

TrackCollectionName of Track collection to check
(default value ForwardTracks )
MCTrueTrackRelCollectionNameName of the TrueTrack MC Relation collection
(default value TrueTracksMCP )
TableFileNameName of the table file for saving the results
(default value TrackingFeedback.csv )
SaveAllEventsSummaryIf true the results of all events are summed up and saved in the file specified under SummaryFileName
(default value false )
SummaryFileNameAll events are summed up and saved in this file, if SaveAllEventsSummary == true
(default value TrackingFeedbackSum.csv )
MultipleScatteringOnWhether to take multiple scattering into account when fitting the tracks
(default value true )
EnergyLossOnWhether to take energy loss into account when fitting the tracks
(default value true )
SmoothOnWhether to smooth all measurement sites in fit
(default value false )
CutPtMinThe minimum transversal momentum pt above which tracks are of interest in GeV
(default value 0.1 )
CutDistToIPMaxThe maximum distance from the origin of the MCP to the IP (0,0,0)
(default value 10000 )
CutChi2ProbTracks with a chi2 probability below this value won't be considered
(default value 0.005 )
CutNumberOfHitsMinThe minimum number of hits a track must have
(default value 4 )
CutNumberOfHitsMin_HitsCountOncePerLayerWhether the hits used for the cut CutNumberOfHitsMin only count once for each layer, i.e double hits on a layer count as one
(default value false, i.e. every hit counts )
CutThetaMinThe minimum theta of the track in deg (default value 0 )
CutThetaMaxThe maximum theta of the track in deg (default value 91 )
CutFitFailsWhether to cut all tracks that fail at fitting (default value false )
DrawMCPTracksDraw the helices of the MCP (values at IP) in CED
(default value false )
RateOfFoundHitsMinMore than this rate of hits of the real track must be in a reco track to be assigned
(default value 0.5 )
RateOfAssignedHitsMinMore than this rate of hits of the reco track must belong to the true track to be assigned
(default value 0.5 )
RootFileNameName for the root file where the tracks are saved
(default value "Feedback.root")
RootFileAppendWhether the root output file should be appended to an existing one
(default value false)
Robin Glattauer HEPHY, Wien

Member Function Documentation

void TrackingFeedbackProcessor::init ( )

Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.

Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.

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