Standallone Forward Tracking Processor for Marlin. More...
#include <ForwardTracking.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual Processor * | newProcessor () |
virtual void | init () |
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read. More... | |
virtual void | processRunHeader (LCRunHeader *run) |
Called for every run. | |
virtual void | processEvent (LCEvent *evt) |
Called for every event - the working horse. More... | |
virtual void | check (LCEvent *evt) |
virtual void | end () |
Called after data processing for clean up. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
std::map< IHit *, std::vector < IHit * > > | getOverlapConnectionMap (const std::map< int, std::vector< IHit * > > &map_sector_hits, const SectorSystemFTD *secSysFTD, float distMax) |
std::vector< RawTrack > | getRawTracksPlusOverlappingHits (RawTrack rawTrack, std::map< IHit *, std::vector< IHit * > > &map_hitFront_hitsBack) |
Adds hits from overlapping areas to a RawTrack in every possible combination. More... | |
void | finaliseTrack (TrackImpl *trackImpl) |
Finalises the track: fits it and adds TrackStates at IP, Calorimeter Face, inner- and outermost hit. More... | |
bool | setCriteria (unsigned round) |
Sets the cut off values for all the criteria. More... | |
std::string | getInfo_map_sector_hits () |
Protected Attributes | |
std::vector< std::string > | _FTDHitCollections |
Input collection names. | |
std::string | _ForwardTrackCollection |
Output collection name. | |
int | _nRun |
int | _nEvt |
double | _Bz |
B field in z direction. | |
double | _chi2ProbCut |
Cut for the Kalman Fit (the chi squared probability) | |
double | _helixFitMax |
Cut for the Helix fit ( chi squared / degrees of freedom ) | |
bool | _MSOn |
bool | _ElossOn |
bool | _SmoothOn |
int | _maxHitsPerSector |
If this number of hits in a sector is surpassed for any sector, the hits in the sector will be dropped and the quality of the output track collection will be set to poor. | |
double | _HNN_Omega |
double | _HNN_ActivationThreshold |
double | _HNN_TInf |
std::map< int, std::vector < IHit * > > | _map_sector_hits |
A map to store the hits according to their sectors. | |
std::vector< std::string > | _criteriaNames |
Names of the used criteria. | |
std::map< std::string, std::vector< float > > | _critMinima |
Map containing the name of a criterion and a vector of the minimum cut offs for it. | |
std::map< std::string, std::vector< float > > | _critMaxima |
Map containing the name of a criterion and a vector of the maximum cut offs for it. | |
int | _hitsPerTrackMin |
Minimum number of hits a track has to have in order to be stored. | |
std::vector< ICriterion * > | _crit2Vec |
A vector of criteria for 2 hits (2 1-hit segments) | |
std::vector< ICriterion * > | _crit3Vec |
A vector of criteria for 3 hits (2 2-hit segments) | |
std::vector< ICriterion * > | _crit4Vec |
A vector of criteria for 4 hits (2 3-hit segments) | |
const SectorSystemFTD * | _sectorSystemFTD |
bool | _useCED |
double | _overlappingHitsDistMax |
the maximum distance of two hits from overlapping petals to be considered as possible part of one track | |
bool | _takeBestVersionOfTrack |
true = when adding hits from overlapping petals, store only the best track; false = store all tracksS | |
int | _maxConnectionsAutomaton |
the maximum number of connections that are allowed in the automaton, if this value is surpassed, rerun the automaton with tighter cuts or stop it entirely. More... | |
std::string | _bestSubsetFinder |
The method used to find the best subset of tracks. | |
unsigned | _nTrackCandidates |
unsigned | _nTrackCandidatesPlus |
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem * | _trkSystem |
std::string | _trkSystemName |
bool | _getTrackStateAtCaloFace |
int | _output_track_col_quality |
The quality of the output track collection. | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static const int | _output_track_col_quality_GOOD = 1 |
static const int | _output_track_col_quality_FAIR = 2 |
static const int | _output_track_col_quality_POOR = 3 |
Standallone Forward Tracking Processor for Marlin.
Reconstructs the tracks through the FTD
For a summary of what happens during each event see the method processEvent
The hits in the Forward Tracking Detector FTD
A collection of reconstructed Tracks.
FTDHitCollections | The collections containing the FTD hits (default value "FTDTrackerHits FTDSpacePoints" (string vector) ) |
ForwardTrackCollection | Name of the Forward Tracking output collection (default value "ForwardTracks" ) |
MultipleScatteringOn | Whether to take multiple scattering into account when fitting the tracks (default value true ) |
EnergyLossOn | Whether to take energy loss into account when fitting the tracks (default value true ) |
SmoothOn | Whether to smooth all measurement sites in fit (default value false ) |
Chi2ProbCut | Tracks with a chi2 probability below this will get sorted out (default value 0.005 ) |
HelixFitMax | the maximum chi2/Ndf that is allowed as result of a helix fit (default value 500 ) |
OverlappingHitsDistMax | The maximum distance of hits from overlapping petals belonging to one track (default value 3.5 ) |
HitsPerTrackMin | The minimum number of hits to create a track (default value 3 ) |
BestSubsetFinder | The method used to find the best non overlapping subset of tracks. Available are: SubsetHopfieldNN, SubsetSimple and None. None means, that no final search for the best subset is done and overlapping tracks are possible. (default value TrackSubsetHopfieldNN ) |
Criteria | A vector of the criteria that are going to be used by the Cellular Automaton. For every criterion a min and max needs to be set!!! (default value is defined in class Criteria ) |
NameOfACriterion_min/max | For every used criterion a minimum and maximum value needs to be set. If a criterion is named "Crit_Example", then the min parameter would be: Crit_Example_min and the max parameter Crit_Example_max. You can enter more than one value!!! So for example you could write something like <parameter name="Crit_Example_min" type="float">30 0.8</parameter>. This means, that if the Cellular Automaton creates too many connections (how many is defined in "MaxConnectionsAutomaton" ) it reruns it with the next set of parameters. Thus allowing to tighten the cuts, if there are too many connections and so preventing it from getting stuck in very bad combinatorial situations. So in this example the Automaton will first run with the Crit_Example_min of 30 and if that generates too many connections, it will rerun it with the value 0.8. If for a criterion no further parameters are specified, the first ones will be taken on reruns. |
HNN_Omega | Omega for the Hopfield Neural Network; the higher omega the higher the influence of the quality indicator (default value 0.75) |
HNN_Activation_Threshold | The activation threshold for the Hopfield Neural Network (default value 0.5) |
HNN_TInf | The temperature limit of the Hopfield Neural Network (default value 0.1) |
MaxConnectionsAutomaton | If the automaton has more connections than this it will be redone with the next cut off values for the criteria. If there are no further new values for the criteria, the event will be skipped. (default value 100000 ) |
MaxHitsPerSector | If on any single sector there are more hits than this, all the hits in the sector get dropped. This is to prevent combinatorial breakdown (It is a second safety mechanism, the first one being MaxConnectionsAutomaton. But if there are soooo many hits, that already the first round of the Cellular Automaton would take forever, this mechanism prevents it) (default value 1000) |
protected |
Finalises the track: fits it and adds TrackStates at IP, Calorimeter Face, inner- and outermost hit.
Sets the subdetector hit numbers and the radius of the innermost hit. Also sets chi2 and Ndf.
protected |
protected |
map_sector_hits | a map with first= the sector number. second = the hits in the sector. |
secSysFTD | the SectorSystemFTD that is used |
distMax | the maximum distance of two hits. If two hits are on the right petals and their distance is smaller than this, the connection will be saved in the returned map. |
protected |
Adds hits from overlapping areas to a RawTrack in every possible combination.
rawTrack | a RawTrack (vector of IHit* ), we want to add hits from overlapping regions |
map_hitFront_hitsBack | a map, where IHit* are the keys and the values are vectors of hits that are in an overlapping region behind them. |
virtual |
Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.
Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.
virtual |
Called for every event - the working horse.
The basic procedure for reconstruction of tracks in the FTD is as follows:
protected |
Sets the cut off values for all the criteria.
This method is necessary for cases where the CA just finds too much. Therefore it is possible to enter a whole list of cut off values for every criterion (for every min and every max to be more precise), that are then used one after the other. If the CA finds way too many connections, we can thus make the cuts tighter and rerun it. If there are still too many connections, just tighten them again.
This method will set the according values. It will read the passed (as steering parameter) cut off values, create criteria from them and store them in the corresponding vectors.
If there are no new cut off values for a criterion, the last one remains.
round | The number of the round we are in. I.e. the nth time we run the Cellular Automaton. |
protected |
the maximum number of connections that are allowed in the automaton, if this value is surpassed, rerun the automaton with tighter cuts or stop it entirely.