39 virtual const std::vector<Geometry::DetElement>&
int layerIndex)
const = 0;
42 virtual const std::vector<Geometry::DetElement>&
int layerIndex)
const = 0;
54 virtual double thickness(
int layerIndex)
const = 0;
virtual const std::vector< Geometry::DetElement > & absorbers(int layerIndex) const =0
Access to the non-sensitive DetElements of a given layer index.
virtual double absorberThickness(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total thickness of all non-sensitive elements of the layer with the given index...
virtual double interactionLength(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total nuclear interaction length of the layer with the given index.
virtual ~LayeringExtension()
virtual double radiationLength(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total radiation length of the layer with the given index.
virtual double absorberInteractionLength(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total nuclear interaction length of all non-sensitive elements of the layer with the given...
virtual double thickness(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total thickness of the layer with the given index.
virtual Geometry::DetElement layer(int layerIndex) const =0
Access to the layer DetElement for the given index.
virtual double sensorRadiationLength(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total radiation length of all sensitive elements of the layer with the given index...
virtual double totalRadiationLength() const =0
Access the total radiation length of the sub detector.
virtual int numberOfLayers() const =0
Access to the total number of layers.
virtual int numberOfSensors(int layerIndex) const =0
Access to the total number of sensors in a given layer index.
virtual const std::vector< Geometry::DetElement > & sensors(int layerIndex) const =0
Access to the sensitive DetElements of a given layer index.
virtual double totalInteractionLength() const =0
Access the total nuclear interaction length of the sub detector.
Handle class describing a detector element.
virtual double absorberRadiationLength(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total radiation length of all non-sensitive elements of the layer with the given index...
virtual double sensorInteractionLength(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total nuclear interaction length of all sensitive elements of the layer with the given ind...
virtual double totalThickness() const =0
Access the total thickness of the sub detector.
virtual double sensorThickness(int layerIndex) const =0
Access the total thickness of all sensitive elements of the layer with the given index.