18 using namespace DD4hep::Simulation;
Handle class to hold the information of a sensitive detector.
Default constructor.
Ref_t sensitiveDetector() const
Access to the handle to the sensitive detector.
Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume)
Volume volume() const
Logical volume of this placement.
static std::string encoding(Geometry::VolumeManager vm, Geometry::VolumeManager::VolumeID vid)
Access to the data encoding using the volume manager and a specified volume id.
PlacedVolume lookupPlacement(VolumeID volume_id) const
Lookup a physical (placed) volume identified by its 64 bit hit ID.
Handle to the implementation of the readout structure of a subdetector.
virtual ~Geant4ConversionHelper()
Default destructor.
IDDescriptor idSpec() const
Access IDDescription structure.
DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetector SensitiveDetector
Class to support the retrieval of detector elements and volumes given a valid identifier.
Readout readout() const
Access readout structure of the sensitive detector.
Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects...
DD4hep::VolumeID VolumeID
Class implementing the ID encoding of detector response.
std::string fieldDescription() const