37 using namespace DD4hep::Simulation;
42 m_generatorAction(0), m_runAction(0), m_eventAction(0), m_trackingAction(0),
43 m_steppingAction(0), m_stackingAction(0), m_constructionAction(0),
44 m_sensDetActions(0), m_physicsList(0), m_userInit(0)
73 throw runtime_error(
"DDG4: Master kernel object has no thread context! [Invalid Handle]"));
84 seq->installMessengers();
87 throw runtime_error(
"DDG4: The action '%s' not found. [Action-NotFound]", name.c_str()));
Geant4DetectorConstructionSequence & detectorConstruction()
Access detector construcion action sequence (geometry+sensitives+field)
Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stepping action sequence.
Geant4StackingActionSequence & stackingAction()
Access stacking action sequence.
Class to orchestrate a modular initializion of a multi- or single threaded Geant4 application...
void deletePtr(T *&p)
Helper to delete objects from heap and reset the pointer. Saves many many lines of code...
void setContext(Geant4Context *ctxt)
Set the thread's context.
static void decrement(T *)
Decrement count according to type information.
Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 detector construction sequencer.
Geant4SensDetActionSequence * find(const std::string &name) const
Access sequence member by name.
Geant4SensDetSequences * m_sensDetActions
Reference to the Geant4 sensitive action sequences.
Geant4UserInitializationSequence * m_userInit
Reference to the user initialization object.
Geant4SensDetActionSequence * sensitiveAction(const std::string &name)
Access to the sensitive detector action from the actioncontainer object.
Geant4EventActionSequence & eventAction()
Access run action sequence.
Concrete implementation of the Geant4 event action sequence.
Geant4SteppingActionSequence * m_steppingAction
Reference to the Geant4 step action.
Concrete implementation of the Geant4 tracking action sequence.
std::string format(const std::string &src, const std::string &fmt,...)
Build formatted string.
void releasePtr(T &p)
Helper to delete objects from heap and reset the pointer. Saves many many lines of code...
Geant4StackingActionSequence * m_stackingAction
Reference to the Geant4 stacking action.
Geant4PhysicsListActionSequence * m_physicsList
Reference to the Geant4 physics list.
Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stacking action sequence.
Geant4RunActionSequence * m_runAction
Reference to the Geant4 run action.
Geant4PhysicsListActionSequence & physicsList()
Access to the physics list.
The implementation of the single Geant4 physics list action sequence.
Geant4GeneratorActionSequence & generatorAction()
Access generator action sequence.
virtual ~Geant4ActionContainer()
Default destructor.
Geant4TrackingActionSequence * m_trackingAction
Reference to the Geant4 track action.
Geant4Context * m_context
Geant4 worker context (thread specific)
Concrete implementation of the Geant4 generator action sequence.
Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 run action sequencer.
Geant4Context * workerContext()
Thread's Geant4 execution context.
The sequencer to host Geant4 sensitive actions called if particles interact with sensitive elements...
static void increment(T *)
Increment count according to type information.
bool registerSequence(C *&seq, const std::string &name)
Helper to register an action sequence.
Geant4GeneratorActionSequence * m_generatorAction
Reference to the Geant4 primary generator action.
Geant4TrackingActionSequence & trackingAction()
Access tracking action sequence.
Generic context to extend user, run and event information.
void insert(const std::string &name, Geant4SensDetActionSequence *seq)
Insert sequence member.
Geant4UserInitializationSequence & userInitialization()
Access to the user initialization object.
Geant4RunActionSequence & runAction()
Access run action sequence.
Geant4SensDetSequences & sensitiveActions() const
Access to the sensitive detector sequences from the actioncontainer object.
Geant4DetectorConstructionSequence * m_constructionAction
Reference to the Geant4 detector construction sequence.
Geant4EventActionSequence * m_eventAction
Reference to the Geant4 event action.
Geant4SensDetSequences: class to access groups of sensitive actions.
virtual int terminate()
Terminate all associated action instances.
Geant4SteppingActionSequence & steppingAction()
Access stepping action sequence.