1 #ifndef DDRec_DetectorData_H_
2 #define DDRec_DetectorData_H_
452 #endif // DDRec_DetectorData_H_
double petalHalfAngle
half angle covered by petal
double distanceSensitive
The distance of the petal sensitive from the z-axis.
double gap0
Gap between modules(eg. stave gap) in the phi-direction.
double offsetSensitive
The offset of the ladder sensitive, i.e. the shift in the direction of increasing phi...
StructExtension< ZPlanarStruct > ZPlanarData
double rOuter
outer r at start of section
double zHalf
half length of the TPC
double thicknessSupport
The thickness of the ladder support from the origin (IP).
enum for encoding the sensor type in typeFlags
double cellSize1
second cell size, perpendicular to the first direction cellSize0 and the depth of the layers...
double zHalfShell
The half length (z) of the support shell (w/o gap) - 0. if no shell exists.
StructExtension< ZDiskPetalsStruct > ZDiskPetalsData
double pitchStrip
strip pitch (if applicable )
double outer_nRadiationLengths
Absorber material in behind of sensitive element in the layer, units of radiation lengths...
double maxRow
maximum number of rows
double rOuterShell
The outer radius of the support shell.
std::vector< LayerLayout > layers
int petalNumber
The number of petals in the layer.
StructExtension(const T &t)
double thicknessSensitive
The thickness of the petal sensitive.
double widthStrip
width of the strips (if applicable )
double zHalfSensitive
The half length of the ladder sensitive in z.
double lengthSupport
The radial length of the petal support.
StructExtension(const StructExtension< T > &t)
double zPos
z position at start of section
double rMin
inner radius of the TPC
double distanceSensitive
The distance of the ladder sensitive from the origin (IP).
double distance
distance from Origin (or the z-axis) to the inner-most face of the layer
double zPosition
z-position of layer ( z-position of middle axis )
double rInner
inner r at start of section
std::vector< LayerLayout > layers
double rMaxReadout
outer r of active volume
int ladderNumber
The number of ladders in the layer.
double lengthSensitive
The radial length of the petal sensitive.
double gapShell
The length of the gap in mm (gap position at z=0).
double lengthStrip
length of the strips (if applicable )
double outer_nInteractionLengths
Absorber material in behind of sensitive element in the layer, units of radiation lengths...
bool isSymmetricInZ
if true the sections are repeated at negative z
double distanceSupport
The distance of the petal support from the z-axis.
double thicknessSupport
The thickness of the petal support.
double angleStrip
strip stereo angle (if applicable )
double zHalfSupport
The half length of the ladder support in z.
double absorberThickness
thickness of the absorber part of the layer. Consider using inner/outer_nRadiationLengths and inner/o...
double inner_thickness
Distance between the innermost face of the layer (closest to IP) and the center of the sensitive elem...
std::vector< Section > sections
double phi0
Azimuthal angle of the (outward pointing) normal of the first ladder.
int sensorsPerLadder
number of sensor per ladder
StructExtension< LayeredCalorimeterStruct > LayeredCalorimeterData
StructExtension< FixedPadSizeTPCStruct > FixedPadSizeTPCData
double padHeight
pad height of readout rows
LayoutType layoutType
type of layout: BarrelLayout or EndcapLayout
double outer_thickness
Distance between the center of the sensitive element and the outermost face of the layer...
double phi0
azimuthal angle of vector defined by the Z-axis to first petal x-positive, y-positive edge ...
double padGap
gap between pads
double widthSensitive
The width of the ladder sensitive.
double driftLength
driftLength in z (half length of active volume)
double widthInnerSensitive
The inner width of the petal sensitive.
std::vector< Layer > layers
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &io, const FixedPadSizeTPCData &d)
double padWidth
fixed pad width ( at middle of row)
double sensitive_thickness
Thickness of the sensitive element (e.g. scintillator)
double innerWallThickness
thickness of the inner wall (field cage)
double widthOuterSupport
The outer width of the petal support.
double rInnerShell
The inner radius of the support shell.
double gap1
Gap between modules(eg. middle stave gap) in the z-direction.
double inner_nInteractionLengths
Absorber material in front of sensitive element in the layer, units of radiation lengths.
double lengthSensor
sensor length (if divided in sensors)
double widthOuterSensitive
The outer width of the petal sensitive.
std::bitset< 32 > typeFlags
Bit flag describing sensor type - use enum SensorType to access the bits.
double gap2
Gap between modules(reserved for future use) e.g in the r-direction.
Handle class describing a detector element.
double pitchStrip
strip pitch (if applicable )
double offsetSupport
The offset of the ladder support, i.e. the shift in the direction of increasing phi, perpendicular to the ladders's normal.
double widthSupport
The width of the ladder support.
double angleStrip
strip stereo angle (if applicable )
double thicknessSensitive
The thickness of the ladder sensitive from the origin (IP).
double inner_nRadiationLengths
Absorber material in front of sensitive element in the layer, units of radiation lengths.
StructExtension(const Geometry::DetElement &)
double outerWallThickness
thickness of the outer wall (field cage)
double phi0
phi0 of layer: potential rotation around normal to absorber plane, e.g. if layers are 'staggered' in ...
StructExtension< ConicalSupportStruct > ConicalSupportData
double rMinReadout
inner r of active volume
double rMax
outer radius of the TPC
double cellSize0
cell size along the first axis where first is either along the beam (BarrelLayout) or up (EndcapLayou...
double widthInnerSupport
The inner width of the petal support.
double lengthStrip
length of the strips (if applicable )
int sensorsPerPetal
number of sensor per petal
double extent[4]
extent of the calorimeter in the r-z-plane [ rmin, rmax, zmin, zmax ] in mm.
double distanceSupport
The distance of the ladder support from the origin (IP).
double widthStrip
width of the strips (if applicable )
enum for encoding the sensor type in typeFlags
StructExtension(const StructExtension< T > &t, const Geometry::DetElement &)