24 namespace Conditions {
27 class ConditionsManagerObject;
ConditionsAccess(const ConditionsAccess &c)
Constructor to assing handle of the same type.
ConditionsManagerObject Object
Standard object type.
const std::vector< const IOVType * > iovTypesUsed() const
Access the used/registered IOV types.
Main condition object handle.
ConditionsAccess(Object *p)
Constructor to be used with valid pointer to object.
unsigned int key_type
Forward definition of the key type.
Class describing the interval of validty.
Class describing the interval of validty type.
Conditions internal namespace declaration.
ConditionsAccess(const Handle< Q > &e)
Constructor to be used assigning from different type.
Default destructor.
Manager class for condition handles.
Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects...
void clean(const IOVType *typ, int max_age)
Clean conditions, which are above the age limit.
Default constructor.
std::vector< Condition > RangeConditions
RangeConditions getRange(Condition::key_type key, const Condition::iov_type &req_validity)
Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element and the conditions name.
const IOVType * iovType(const std::string &iov_name) const
Access IOV by its name.