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Math Toolkit 2.5.0

Nikhar Agrawal

Anton Bikineev

Paul A. Bristow

Hubert Holin

Marco Guazzone

Christopher Kormanyos

Bruno Lalande

John Maddock

Jeremy W. Murphy

Johan Råde

Benjamin Sobotta

Gautam Sewani

Thijs van den Berg

Daryle Walker

Xiaogang Zhang

This manual is also available in printer friendly PDF format, and as a CD ISBN 0-9504833-2-X 978-0-9504833-2-0, Classification 519.2-dc22.

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Floating Point Utilities
3. Specified-width floating-point typedefs
4. Mathematical Constants
5. Statistical Distributions and Functions
6. Special Functions
7. TR1 and C99 external "C" Functions
8. Complex Number Functions
9. Quaternions
10. Octonions
11. Integer Utilities (Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple)
12. Tools: Root Finding & Minimization Algorithms, Polynomial Arithmetic & Evaluation
13. Internal Details: Series, Rationals and Continued Fractions, Testing, and Development Tools
14. Use with User-Defined Floating-Point Types - Boost.Multiprecision and others
15. Policies: Controlling Precision, Error Handling etc
16. Performance
17. Backgrounders
18. Library Status
19. Indexes

Last revised: September 21, 2016 at 14:37:55 GMT
