Xerces-C++  3.1.4
XMLException Member List

This is the complete list of members for XMLException, including all inherited members.

getCode() const XMLException
getErrorType() const XMLException
getMessage() const XMLException
getSrcFile() const XMLException
getSrcLine() const XMLException
getType() const =0XMLExceptionpure virtual
loadExceptText(const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad)XMLExceptionprotected
loadExceptText(const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad, const XMLCh *const text1, const XMLCh *const text2=0, const XMLCh *const text3=0, const XMLCh *const text4=0)XMLExceptionprotected
loadExceptText(const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad, const char *const text1, const char *const text2=0, const char *const text3=0, const char *const text4=0)XMLExceptionprotected
operator delete(void *p)XMemory
operator delete(void *p, MemoryManager *memMgr)XMemory
operator delete(void *p, void *ptr)XMemory
operator new(size_t size)XMemory
operator new(size_t size, MemoryManager *memMgr)XMemory
operator new(size_t size, void *ptr)XMemory
operator=(const XMLException &toAssign)XMLException
setPosition(const char *const file, const XMLFileLoc line)XMLException
XMLException(const char *const srcFile, const XMLFileLoc srcLine, MemoryManager *const memoryManager=0)XMLException
XMLException(const XMLException &toCopy)XMLException