Xerces-C++  3.1.4
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3  * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
4  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 /*
19  * $Id: XMLException.hpp 673960 2008-07-04 08:50:12Z borisk $
20  */
26 #include <xercesc/util/XMemory.hpp>
27 #include <xercesc/util/XMLExceptMsgs.hpp>
28 #include <xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp>
33 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 // This is the base class from which all the XML parser exceptions are
35 // derived. The virtual interface is very simple and most of the functionality
36 // is in this class.
37 //
38 // Because all derivatives are EXACTLY the same except for the static
39 // string that is used to hold the name of the class, a macro is provided
40 // below via which they are all created.
41 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 {
44 public:
45  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
46  // Virtual Destructor
47  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
48  virtual ~XMLException();
51  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
52  // The XML exception virtual interface
53  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
54  virtual const XMLCh* getType() const = 0;
57  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
58  // Getter methods
59  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
60  XMLExcepts::Codes getCode() const;
61  const XMLCh* getMessage() const;
62  const char* getSrcFile() const;
63  XMLFileLoc getSrcLine() const;
64  XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes getErrorType() const;
67  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
68  // Setter methods
69  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
70  void setPosition(const char* const file, const XMLFileLoc line);
73  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
74  // Hidden constructors and operators
75  //
76  // NOTE: Technically, these should be protected, since this is a
77  // base class that is never used directly. However, VC++ 6.0 will
78  // fail to catch via a reference to base class if the ctors are
79  // not public!! This seems to have been caused by the install
80  // of IE 5.0.
81  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
82  XMLException();
83  XMLException(const char* const srcFile, const XMLFileLoc srcLine, MemoryManager* const memoryManager = 0);
84  XMLException(const XMLException& toCopy);
85  XMLException& operator=(const XMLException& toAssign);
87 protected :
88  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
89  // Protected methods
90  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
91  void loadExceptText
92  (
93  const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad
94  );
95  void loadExceptText
96  (
97  const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad
98  , const XMLCh* const text1
99  , const XMLCh* const text2 = 0
100  , const XMLCh* const text3 = 0
101  , const XMLCh* const text4 = 0
102  );
103  void loadExceptText
104  (
105  const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad
106  , const char* const text1
107  , const char* const text2 = 0
108  , const char* const text3 = 0
109  , const char* const text4 = 0
110  );
113 private :
114  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
115  // Data members
116  //
117  // fCode
118  // The error code that this exception represents.
119  //
120  // fSrcFile
121  // fSrcLine
122  // These are the file and line information from the source where the
123  // exception was thrown from.
124  //
125  // fMsg
126  // The loaded message text for this exception.
127  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
128  XMLExcepts::Codes fCode;
129  char* fSrcFile;
130  XMLFileLoc fSrcLine;
131  XMLCh* fMsg;
133 protected:
135 };
137 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 // XMLException: Getter methods
139 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 inline XMLExcepts::Codes XMLException::getCode() const
141 {
142  return fCode;
143 }
145 inline const XMLCh* XMLException::getMessage() const
146 {
147  return fMsg;
148 }
150 inline const char* XMLException::getSrcFile() const
151 {
152  if (!fSrcFile)
153  return "";
154  return fSrcFile;
155 }
158 {
159  return fSrcLine;
160 }
163 {
164  if ((fCode >= XMLExcepts::W_LowBounds) && (fCode <= XMLExcepts::W_HighBounds))
166  else if ((fCode >= XMLExcepts::F_LowBounds) && (fCode <= XMLExcepts::F_HighBounds))
168  else if ((fCode >= XMLExcepts::E_LowBounds) && (fCode <= XMLExcepts::E_HighBounds))
171 }
173 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 // This macro is used to create derived classes. They are all identical
175 // except the name of the exception, so it crazy to type them in over and
176 // over.
177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 #define MakeXMLException(theType, expKeyword) \
179 class expKeyword theType : public XMLException \
180 { \
181 public: \
182  \
183  theType(const char* const srcFile \
184  , const XMLFileLoc srcLine \
185  , const XMLExcepts::Codes toThrow \
186  , MemoryManager* memoryManager = 0) : \
187  XMLException(srcFile, srcLine, memoryManager) \
188  { \
189  loadExceptText(toThrow); \
190  } \
191  \
192  theType(const theType& toCopy) : \
193  \
194  XMLException(toCopy) \
195  { \
196  } \
197  \
198  theType(const char* const srcFile \
199  , const XMLFileLoc srcLine \
200  , const XMLExcepts::Codes toThrow \
201  , const XMLCh* const text1 \
202  , const XMLCh* const text2 = 0 \
203  , const XMLCh* const text3 = 0 \
204  , const XMLCh* const text4 = 0 \
205  , MemoryManager* memoryManager = 0) : \
206  XMLException(srcFile, srcLine, memoryManager) \
207  { \
208  loadExceptText(toThrow, text1, text2, text3, text4); \
209  } \
210  \
211  theType(const char* const srcFile \
212  , const XMLFileLoc srcLine \
213  , const XMLExcepts::Codes toThrow \
214  , const char* const text1 \
215  , const char* const text2 = 0 \
216  , const char* const text3 = 0 \
217  , const char* const text4 = 0 \
218  , MemoryManager* memoryManager = 0) : \
219  XMLException(srcFile, srcLine, memoryManager) \
220  { \
221  loadExceptText(toThrow, text1, text2, text3, text4); \
222  } \
223  \
224  virtual ~theType() {} \
225  \
226  theType& operator=(const theType& toAssign) \
227  { \
228  XMLException::operator=(toAssign); \
229  return *this; \
230  } \
231  \
232  virtual XMLException* duplicate() const \
233  { \
234  return new (fMemoryManager) theType(*this); \
235  } \
236  \
237  virtual const XMLCh* getType() const \
238  { \
239  return XMLUni::fg##theType##_Name; \
240  } \
241  \
242 private : \
243  theType(); \
244 };
248 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
249 // This macros is used to actually throw an exception. It is used in order
250 // to make sure that source code line/col info is stored correctly, and to
251 // give flexibility for other stuff in the future.
252 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 #define ThrowXML(type,code) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code)
256 #define ThrowXML1(type,code,p1) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, p1)
258 #define ThrowXML2(type,code,p1,p2) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, p1, p2)
260 #define ThrowXML3(type,code,p1,p2,p3) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, p1, p2, p3)
262 #define ThrowXML4(type,code,p1,p2,p3,p4) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, p1, p2, p3, p4)
264 #define ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(type,code,memMgr) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, memMgr)
266 #define ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1(type,code,p1,memMgr) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, p1, 0, 0, 0, memMgr)
268 #define ThrowXMLwithMemMgr2(type,code,p1,p2,memMgr) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, p1, p2, 0, 0, memMgr)
270 #define ThrowXMLwithMemMgr3(type,code,p1,p2,p3,memMgr) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, p1, p2, p3, 0, memMgr)
272 #define ThrowXMLwithMemMgr4(type,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,memMgr) throw type(__FILE__, __LINE__, code, p1, p2, p3, p4, memMgr)
276 #endif
Definition: XMLErrorReporter.hpp:54
This class makes it possible to override the C++ memory management by adding new/delete operators to ...
Definition: XMemory.hpp:40
XMLUInt64 XMLFileLoc
Definition: Xerces_autoconf_config.borland.hpp:116
Definition: XMLErrorReporter.hpp:50
XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes getErrorType() const
Definition: XMLException.hpp:162
XMLFileLoc getSrcLine() const
Definition: XMLException.hpp:157
Definition: XMLErrorReporter.hpp:51
Definition: XMLException.hpp:42
Definition: XMLErrorReporter.hpp:48
const char * getSrcFile() const
Definition: XMLException.hpp:150
Configurable memory manager.
Definition: MemoryManager.hpp:39
MemoryManager * fMemoryManager
Definition: XMLException.hpp:134
Definition: XMLErrorReporter.hpp:52
XMLExcepts::Codes getCode() const
Definition: XMLException.hpp:140
Definition: XercesDefs.hpp:112
wchar_t XMLCh
Definition: Xerces_autoconf_config.borland.hpp:92
Definition: XercesDefs.hpp:162
Definition: XercesDefs.hpp:113
const XMLCh * getMessage() const
Definition: XMLException.hpp:145