- New functionality
- Add support for processing
many datasets in one go in TProof::Process(const char
*dataset, ...).
Two options are provided:
- 'grand
dataset': the datasets are added up
and considered as a single dataset (syntax:
- 'keep
the datasets are processed one after the other; the user is notified in
the selector of the change of dataset so they have the opportunity to
separate the results. A new packetizer, TPacketizerMulti, has been
developed for this case: it basically contains a list of standard
packetizers (one for each dataset) and loops over them (syntax:
"dataset1,dataset2,..." or dataset1 dataset2 ...").
both cases, entry-list can be applied using the syntax
"dataset<<entrylist", e.g.
The datasets to be processed can also be specified on one or multiple lines in a text file.
for more details.
- Add
support for automatic download of a package when available on the
master but not locally. The downloaded packages are store under <sandbox>/packages/downloaded
and automatically checked for updates against the master repository. If
a local version of the same package is created (using the
UploadPackage) the entry in downloaded is
cleared, so that the behaviour is unchanged.
The new functionality is described in
- Add
the possibility to remap the server for the files in a dataset. This
allows, for example, to reuse the dataset information for the same
files stored in a different cluster.
- Add a local cache for
TDataSetManagerFile. This is mainly used to improve the speed of
TDataSetManager::ShowDataSets, which is run very often by users and may
be very slow if the number of dataset is large. The cache is also used
to cache frequently received dataset objects.
- Add the possibility to audit the activity on the nodes via syslog. See
- New
packetizer TPacketizerFile generating packets which contain a single
file path to be used in processing single files. Used, for example, in
tasks generating files. The files are specified into a TMap - named
'PROOF_FilesToProcess' - containing the list of files to be generated
per host (the key is the host name, the value the TList of TObjString
(or TFileInfo) with the files names - or a TFileCollection: the output
of TFileCollection::GetFilesPerServer() can be directly passed as files
map). Workers are first assigned files belonging to
the list with host name matching the worker name. The map is
distributed to the master via the input list.
- Add support for
automatic setting of pointer data members to the relevant object in the
output list. The use of fOutputList->FindObject("name") in
TSelector::Terminate is not needed anymore for pointer data members,
e.g. histograms.
- Add the possibility to define an external list of environment
variables to be transmitted to the master and workers. This is done via
the environment variable PROOF_ENVVARS. This addition allows to change
the variables wthout changing the macro or application running
TProof::Open. See
- Add the possibility to save the perfomance information shown
by the dialog into a small ntuple included in the output list. The
ntuple contains 5 floats (processing time, number of active workers,
event rate, MBytes read, number of effective sessions on the cluster)
and it is filled each time the number of active workers changes or at
max 100 regular intervals at least 5 secs apart; in this way the ntuple
has at most O(100 entries + number of workers). To enable the saving of
the ntuple execute the following:
proof->SetParameter("PROOF_SaveProgressPerf", "yes");
before running the query. The ntuple is called 'PROOF_ProgressPerfNtuple'.
- Add support for worker autodiscovery in PROOF using the
Avahi/Bonjour technology. The new functionality is supported on Mac
(MacOsX >= 10.4; no need of additional installs) and linux (requires
the Avahi framework, available by default on most of the
distributions). To use this functionality (instead-of or in-addition-to
the the static worker configuration via proof.conf or xpd.worker) the
new directive 'xpd.bonjour' must be used (see description at
- Improvements
- Improve support for valgrind runs in PROOF-Lite
- Add the possibility to add files to a dataset. This is
achieved with a new option 'U' (for update) to RegisterDataSet.
- Add
methof TProof::GetStatistics to allow the client to retrieve the
correct values of fBytesRead, fRealTime and fCpuTime at any moment;
this will be used to setup a sort of ROOTmarks in stressProof .
- Several improvements in the test program 'stressProof'
and in the tutorials under 'tutorials/proof'
- Avoid
contacting the DNS when initializing TProofMgr as base class of
TProofMgrLite: it is not needed and it may introduce long startup
- Make TProof::LogViewer("") start the viewer for
a Lite session, in parallel to whats happen for TProof::Open("").
- Several
improvements in the handling of wild cards in the dataset manager; for
example, issuing a GetDataSet(...) on a dataset URI containign wild
cards will return a grand dataset sum of all the datasets matching the
- Add options to get a list of all dataset registered names
from ScanDataSets (option kList; the result is a TMap of {TObjString,
TObjString} with the second TObjString empty).
- Improved version of the PQ2 scripts; the scripts now invoke a dedicated ROOT application (named pq2) available under $ROOTSYS/bin .
- Add
support for recursive reading of group config files via the 'include
sub-file' directive. This allows to have a common part and, for
example, customize differently the quotas.
- Fix an issue with TTreeFriends. New tutorial showing how to use friends in PROOF.
- Package
management: add support for arguments in the SETUP function: it is
possible now to pass a string or a list of objects. The
TProof::EnablePackage interface has been extended to support this.
- Optimize
the validation step in the case not all the entries are required. The
validation step is stopped as soon as the requested number of events is
reached. If the parameter "PROOF_ValidateByFile" is set to 1, the
number of files is exactly what needed; otherwise the number of files
may exceed the number of files needed by (Number_Of_Workers - 1) .
- New directive 'xpd.datadir' to better control the user data directories and their permission settings.
- In TPacketizerUnit, add the possibility to exactly share the number of cycles between the workers. See the parameter PROOF_PacketizerFixedNum.
- Implement
a timer to terminate idle sessions. The timeout value is controlled by
the variable ProofServ.IdleTimeout (value in seconds). This variable
can be set for all sessions in the xproofd config file via the 'xpd.putrc' directive.
- Add the possibility to control the use of sub-mergers with
the ROOTrc variable Proof.SubMergers. It has the same meaning of the
parameter 'PROOF_UseMergers'. The capabilities of the latter have been
extended: now -1 means disable the use of submergers (before negative values were ignored and there was no way for the user to disable the use of submergers).
- Packetizer optimizations: improved worked distribution when
the number of files left to be processed is smaller than the number of
workers and at least one file has a number of events significantly
larger than the average; better apply the upper/lower limits on the
expected packet processing time.
- Add the possibility to single-out disk partitions in the
packetizer; this works adding the beginning of a path in the name
defining a new TFileNode (e.g. 'host://disk1' instead of 'host' only as
it was so far). These feature can be enabled by defining the rootrc
variable 'Packetizer.Partitions', e.g.
Packetizer.Partitions /disk1,/disk2,/disk3
- Add to the output list the parameters used by the active packetizer.
- In the PrintProgress function used to display a text progress
bar, show also the average reading rate in [k,M,G}bytes/s in addition
to the event processing rate. This is useful to have a feeling of the
rate when running of a remote machine in batch mode.
- Add the possibility to control the resident and virtual
memory of a proofserv using 'ulimit', which has less limitations and
more flexibility than setrlimit.
- Deactivate workers when the requested packages could not be enabled properly.
- Add support for reconfiguring the group manager and the
{env,rootrc} settings. The related configuration files are checked for
changes during the regular checks done by the XrdProofdManager.
- Add support for selective definition of env and rootrc
variables. Different values can be set for different users, groups, SVN
versions or ROOT versions.
- Improve the diagnostic in case of exceptions. Information
about the event and file being processed at the moment the exception
was raised is sent to the client, e.g.
0.5: caught exception triggered by signal '1' while
processing dset:'EventTree',
file:'', event:1 - check
logs for possible stacktrace
The patch also fixes a problem with submergers observed when a worker
was stopped because above the memory limits: this worker was
established as merger but could not do the work, for obvious reasons,
freezing the session.
- Add two new methods to TProof: ShowMissingFiles() to facilitate
the display of the list of missing files; and GetMissingFiles() to get
a TFileCollection (dataset) with the missing files for further
- Fixes
- Fix a bug in error status transmission which avoid
session freezing in some cases
- FIx
a few issues in with handling of connection used for
admin operation: this should solve some cases where the daemon was not
- Fix a few memory leaks showing up when
running several queries in the same session
- Fix a few issues affecting the new sub-merging option
- Fix an issue preventing proper real-time notification
during VerifyDataSet
- Fix an issue with TQueryResult ordering (was causing
random 'stressProof' failures)
- Fix
an issue with TProof::AskStatistics (fBytesRead, fRealTime and fCpuTime
were not correctly filled on the client; the values on the master,
displayed by TProof::Print were correct).
- Fix several small issues affecting the handling of global
package directories
- Fix an issue with socket handling in the main event-loop
while sendign or receiving files via TProofMgr.
- Fix
a problem counting valid nodes in sequential or 'masteronly' mode,
generating the fake error message "GoParallel: attaching to candidate!"
- Fix a few issues with the length of Unix socket paths
affecting PROOF-Lite and xproofd on MacOsX
- Fix an issue with the release of file descriptors when
recovering sessions .
- Fix an issue with a fake error message ("Error in
<TROOT::cd>: No such file root:/") in PROOF-Lite when
issuing TProof::SetParallel().
- Fix a problem with negative values for 'workers still
sending' in PROOF-Lite .
- Fix locking issue while building packages locally.
- Fix issue setting permission and ownership of the dataset
user directories.
- Fix
a subtle bug affecting the (possibly rare) case when not all entries
are required and # entries does not correspond to an complete subset of
files (e.g. # entries = 1001000 with files of 100000 entries each). The
effect was uncomplete processing (skipped events, magenta bar) or a
session freeze.
- Fix problem with packet re-assignment in case of a worker death (some packets were processed twice or more times).
- Fix problem with the transmission of non-default file
attributes (e.g. the number of entries) from TChainElement to
TDSetElement during TChain processing in PROOF
- Fix problem in the default packetizer with validating the
exact number of needed files when the information about the entries is
already available.
- Fix problem with 'xpd.putenv' and 'xpd.putrc' occuring when the variables themselves contain commas.
- Avoid resolving the workers FQDN when running in PROOF-Lite,
creating unnecessary delays when running PROOF-Lite within virtual
- Fix problem with the permissions of the user data directory.
- Add files to the list of files to process only when finally validated.
- Fix
problem with canvases when the feedback canvas and the final canvas are
the same (do not delete the feedback canvas at the end of processing)
- Make sure that TProof::Load, TProofPlayer::SendSelector and
TSelector::GetSelector treat consistently the extensions of the
implementation files.
- Unlock the cache after failure to load a selector; prevents session freezing
- Correctly update the number of submergers when workers die
- Add missing protection causing a crash in submergers when the output list contained TProofOutputFile objects.
- Move the creation and start of the idle timeout from the end
of SetupCommon to the end of CreateServer, so that the timeout is not
active during worker setup.
- Make sure that the TProof instance on the client is invalidated after an idle timeout.
- Fix an old issue with DeactivateWorker("*") (the session is
was terminated because no worker was active; this call coudl not be
used as intermediate step to select a small number of workers).
- Consistently check both Proof.Sandbox and ProofLite.Sandbox for sandbox non-default location as done in TProofLite
- Fix a problem with the registration of missing files in the
'MissingFiles' list (files which could not be open on the workers were
not always added to the list).