This directory contains the ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer class
The GeneticMinimizer class is used to implement a genetic minimizer algorithm.
The algorithm is based on an algorithm implemented in the TMVA package
(TMVA::GeneticAlgorithm class).
The ROOT::Math:GeneticMinimizer class implements the
ROOT::Math::Minimizer interface, as a new plugin with name "Genetic".
The class can be used when fitting histograms or graph by selecting it
as default minimizer. This can be done via:
Via the MinimizerOptions, one can control the possible options for the
class. These are described in the TMVA user guide, Option Table 7.
A list of the default options can be obtained by doing:
ROOT::Math::Minimizer * min =ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Genetic");
The user can change a default option, like the population size to 500
and the steps to 60 by doing: