#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :) # # This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University # of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See # LICENSE.TXT for details. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set(LIBS clangDriver clangFrontend clangParse clangSema clangAST clangLex clangSerialization clangCodeGen clangBasic clingUtils ) find_library(DL_LIBRARY_PATH dl) if (DL_LIBRARY_PATH) list(APPEND LIBS dl) endif() set( LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS analysis core executionengine ipo mc native nativecodegen object option orcjit runtimedyld support target ) add_cling_library(clingInterpreter OBJECT AutoSynthesizer.cpp AutoloadCallback.cpp ASTTransformer.cpp BackendPasses.cpp CheckEmptyTransactionTransformer.cpp CIFactory.cpp ClangInternalState.cpp ClingCodeCompleteConsumer.cpp ClingPragmas.cpp DeclCollector.cpp DeclExtractor.cpp DeclUnloader.cpp DynamicLibraryManager.cpp DynamicLookup.cpp DynamicExprInfo.cpp Exception.cpp ExceptionRTTI.cpp ExternalInterpreterSource.cpp ForwardDeclPrinter.cpp IncrementalExecutor.cpp IncrementalJIT.cpp IncrementalParser.cpp Interpreter.cpp InterpreterCallbacks.cpp InvocationOptions.cpp LookupHelper.cpp NullDerefProtectionTransformer.cpp RequiredSymbols.cpp Transaction.cpp TransactionUnloader.cpp ValueExtractionSynthesizer.cpp Value.cpp ValuePrinter.cpp ValuePrinterSynthesizer.cpp DEPENDS ClangDriverOptions LINK_LIBS ${LIBS} ) if(NOT WIN32) set_source_files_properties(ExceptionRTTI.cpp COMPILE_FLAGS "-fexceptions -frtti") endif() #set_source_files_properties(Exception.cpp COMPILE_FLAGS " /EHsc ") # the line above doesn't work, and it gives the following warnings: # cl : Command line warning D9025: overriding '/EHs' with '/EHs-' # cl : Command line warning D9025: overriding '/EHc' with '/EHc-' # so let's change the target compiler flags instead: if(MSVC) add_definitions(-UUNICODE -U_UNICODE) get_target_property(CI_COMPILE_FLAGS clingInterpreter COMPILE_FLAGS) if(${CI_COMPILE_FLAGS}) string(REPLACE "/EHs-c-" "" CI_COMPILE_FLAGS ${CI_COMPILE_FLAGS}) # add /EHsc exception handling flag set(CI_COMPILE_FLAGS "${CI_COMPILE_FLAGS} /EHsc") else() set(CI_COMPILE_FLAGS "/EHsc") endif() set_target_properties(clingInterpreter PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${CI_COMPILE_FLAGS}) endif() #add_dependencies(clangDriver ClangAttrList ClangDiagnosticDriver # ClangDriverOptions ClangCC1Options ClangCC1AsOptions) if (UNIX) # Remove all -I from CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS string(REPLACE ";" " " __flags "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "-I[^ ]+" "" CLING_COMPILER_FLAGS_NO_I "${__flags}") option(CLING_CXX_PATH "Compiler cling will invoke for c++ headers." "") option(CLING_CXX_HEADERS "Path cling will use for c++ headers." "") function(stripNewLine strVal varName) string(STRIP "${strVal}" strVal) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\n$" "" strVal "${strVal}") SET(${varName} ${strVal} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() if(NOT CLING_CXX_PATH) # Remove absolute path from CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER get_filename_component(_name ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} NAME) get_filename_component(_path ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} PATH) # This should probably be more general...but how? if(_name STREQUAL "ccache" OR _name STREQUAL "distcc") separate_arguments(_arg_list UNIX_COMMAND "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1}") if (_arg_list) list(GET _arg_list 0 _name) string(STRIP "${_name}" _name) if (APPLE) execute_process(COMMAND xcrun -f ${_name} OUTPUT_VARIABLE CLING_CXX_FOUND OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) stripNewLine("${CLING_CXX_FOUND}" CLING_CXX_FOUND) else() find_program(_cling_cxx_path "${_name}") execute_process(COMMAND ${_cling_cxx_path} -xc++ -E -v /dev/null OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_VARIABLE _cling_cxx_path) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") execute_process( COMMAND echo ${_cling_cxx_path} COMMAND grep "COLLECT_GCC=" OUTPUT_VARIABLE _cling_cxx_path) string(REPLACE "COLLECT_GCC=" "" _cling_cxx_path "${_cling_cxx_path}") elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") execute_process( COMMAND echo ${_cling_cxx_path} COMMAND grep "/${_name}\" -cc1" OUTPUT_VARIABLE _cling_clng_path) if(NOT _cling_clng_path) execute_process( COMMAND echo ${_cling_cxx_path} COMMAND grep "/clang\" -cc1" OUTPUT_VARIABLE _cling_clng_path) endif() separate_arguments(_arg_list UNIX_COMMAND "${_cling_clng_path}") if (_arg_list) list(GET _arg_list 0 _cling_cxx_path) endif() endif() stripNewLine("${_cling_cxx_path}" _cling_cxx_path) set(CLING_CXX_FOUND "${_cling_cxx_path}") endif() if (NOT EXISTS "${CLING_CXX_FOUND}") find_program(CLING_CXX_FOUND "${_name}") endif() else() set(CLING_CXX_FOUND "") set(_name "") endif() if (EXISTS ${CLING_CXX_FOUND}) set(CLING_CXX_PATH ${CLING_CXX_FOUND}) get_filename_component(_name ${CLING_CXX_PATH} NAME) get_filename_component(_path ${CLING_CXX_PATH} PATH) else() set(CLING_CXX_PATH "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1}") if(_name) set(CLING_CXX_RLTV "${_name}") endif() set(_path "__THISREALLYBETTERNOTBEINPATH_THANKS__") endif() else() # FIXME: In some ccache setups we can have a soft link pointing to ccache # binary. Eg. /usr/local/gcc -> /usr/bin/ccache. Resolving the realpath # we will get to the ccache and not the intended compiler binary. This # could be fixed if we run 'gcc -###' which will give us the correct info. get_filename_component(_realpath ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} REALPATH) get_filename_component(_name ${_realpath} NAME) get_filename_component(_path ${_realpath} PATH) endif() # Test if path compiler is on PATH. string(REPLACE ":" ";" _pathlist $ENV{PATH}) foreach (_pathcomp ${_pathlist}) get_filename_component(_pathcomp ${_pathcomp} REALPATH) if (_path STREQUAL _pathcomp) # This adds a lot of unneccessary flags, but may be useful if there's # a flag that should be passed to cling. set(CLING_CXX_RLTV ${_name}) break() endif() endforeach() # FIXME: Perhaps CLING_CXX_RLTV should have a better name? if(NOT CLING_CXX_RLTV AND NOT CLING_CXX_PATH) # We got nothing, just use whatever CMake is using. set(CLING_CXX_PATH ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}) endif() # If CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS contains --gcc-toolchain= then that should be passed on string(FIND "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" "--gcc-toolchain=" cling_gcc_toolchain) if ("${cling_gcc_toolchain}" GREATER -1) # TODO Refactor these two into common function if (CLING_CXX_PATH) string(FIND "${CLING_CXX_PATH}" "--gcc-toolchain=" cling_gcc_toolchain) if ("${cling_gcc_toolchain}" EQUAL -1) set(CLING_CXX_PATH "${CLING_CXX_PATH} --gcc-toolchain=${gcctoolchain}") endif() endif() if (CLING_CXX_RLTV) string(FIND "${CLING_CXX_RLTV}" "--gcc-toolchain=" cling_gcc_toolchain) if ("${cling_gcc_toolchain}" EQUAL -1) set(CLING_CXX_RLTV "${CLING_CXX_RLTV} --gcc-toolchain=${gcctoolchain}") endif() endif() endif() endif() if(NOT CLING_CXX_HEADERS) if (CLING_CXX_PATH) execute_process(COMMAND ${CLING_CXX_PATH} -xc++ -E -v /dev/null OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_VARIABLE CLING_CXX_HEADERS) else() # convert CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS to a list for execute_process string(REPLACE " " ";" cling_tmp_arg_list ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1} ${cling_tmp_arg_list} -xc++ -E -v /dev/null OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_VARIABLE CLING_CXX_HEADERS) endif() execute_process( COMMAND echo ${CLING_CXX_HEADERS} COMMAND awk "/^#include