############################################################# # # Issues, Problems, Questions for DDSim/DDG4 # ############################################################# ------------------------------------- - the particle gun does not have the ususal geant4 commands but rather some (self defined) commands in /dd4hep/Gun -> these don't support vectors (position/momentum) and units (GeV, cm, etc.) - the reason is (probably) the order of instantiation: - the G4ParticleGun defines it's commands (G4ParticleGunMessenger) in the c'tor - the commands are not available when the batch script is started !!! but they are after the script is run !!! -> construction of the G4ParticleGun is delayed too much in DDG4 -------------------------- - definition of fields: - has moved to kernel config xml file (./example/field.xml) -> there we don't have the global geometry parameters any more => would prefer to have it as part of the compact geometry definition ------------------------- - Geant4Exe allows very little/ no control about the execution: - visualization mode - batch mode - UI - hard coded macro files (run.mac, vis.mac,...) -------------------------