# small example to demonstrate inter-package dependencies # within the ILCUTIL package CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED( VERSION 2.8.2 FATAL_ERROR ) # this CMakeLists.txt just demonstrates how it is possible # to use other packages of ILCUTIL in ILCUTIL itself. if # this example were to be moved outside ILCUTIL the following # FIND_PACKAGE commando should be used to replace the next 2 # calls to FIND_PACKAGE further below # FIND_PACKAGE( ILCUTIL REQUIRED COMPONENTS ILCTEST streamlog ) INCLUDE( ilcsoft_default_settings ) FIND_PACKAGE( ILCTEST REQUIRED ) FIND_PACKAGE( streamlog REQUIRED ) INCLUDE( ilcsoft_default_enable_ctest ) INCLUDE( MacroAddILCTest ) ADD_ILCTEST( hello_world ./hello_world.cc )