#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CMakeLists.txt # Module : G4analysis # Package: Geant4.src.G4analysis.g4tools # # CMakeLists.txt for g4tools. We do not use the usual Geant4 sources.cmake # approach because G4analysis requires a custom install solution for its # headers. The 'tools' subdirectory contains many headers that are needed and # these are in a nested structure which needs to be replicated when we # install, i.e: # # +- geant4 # +- tools # +- histo # | +- h1d # ... # # Nevertheless, we're able to build the library via the standard # GEANT4_LIBRARY_TARGET macro. # # Created on: 28/07/2011 # # $Id: CMakeLists.txt 80313 2014-04-10 12:21:49Z gcosmo $ # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ensure the header directory gets added to the list of ones to export # set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY GEANT4_BUILDTREE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install the headers, retaining their nested structure # install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME} COMPONENT Development PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We also need to install the tools license # install(FILES tools.license DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/Geant4-${Geant4_VERSION} ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Finally we need to build C source code file(s) # if(GEANT4_BUILD_GRANULAR_LIBS) include(Geant4MacroLibraryTargets) GEANT4_GRANULAR_LIBRARY_TARGET(COMPONENT sources.cmake) endif()