#---Adding all persistency examples subdirectories explicitly cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6 FATAL_ERROR) find_package(Geant4) include(${Geant4_USE_FILE}) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # P01, P02 examples require ROOT, GCCXML, BUILD_SHARED_LIBS # find_package(ROOT QUIET) if(ROOT_FOUND AND Geant4_shared_FOUND) #if(ROOT_FOUND AND GCCXML) STRING(REGEX MATCH "6.*" VERSION6MATCH ${ROOT_VERSION}) if(NOT VERSION6MATCH) message("-- G4 Examples : This example requires root6, disabled") return() else() add_subdirectory(P01) add_subdirectory(P02) endif() else() if(NOT ROOT_FOUND) message(STATUS "G4 Examples: ROOT package not found. ") endif() if(NOT Geant4_shared_FOUND) message(STATUS "G4 Examples: Shared Libraires not available.") endif() message(STATUS "P01, P02 disabled") endif() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gdml examples require Geant4 build with gdml # if(Geant4_gdml_FOUND) add_subdirectory(gdml) else() message(STATUS "G4 Examples: GDML not installed --> gdml examples disabled") endif()