# - CmakeLists.txt for MPI examples # This file should be used when configuring Geant4 with GEANT4_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON # Do not use in other cases # To compile G4mpi as a standalone package, first compile the source subdir # and then examples, see included README files project(G4mpi) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3 FATAL_ERROR) add_subdirectory(source) set(G4mpi_DIR "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/source") add_subdirectory(examples) add_dependencies(exMPI01 G4mpi) if(TARGET exMPI02) #If ROOT not found, this does not exists add_dependencies(exMPI02 G4mpi) endif() add_dependencies(exMPI03 G4mpi) add_custom_target(MPI DEPENDS G4mpi exMPI01 exMPI02 exMPI03)