
A set of python modules for using Geant4

System Requirements


Building system is migrated to CMake system.


Python2.x and Python 3.x (experimental)


Boost_Python is needed.


ROOT for histogramming/analysis

Tested Platforms

How to Install

Before building library, GEANT4_INSTALL environment variable should be set.

# export GEANT4_INSTALL=<Geant4 install path> (zsh, bash)
# setenv GEANT4_INSTALL <Geant4 install path> (csh)
(G4 install path is the path specified by "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX" when building Geant4) 


# mkdir build
# cd build
# cmake ..   
# make
# make install

If you want to run the testing component,

# cd build/tests
# make; make install

By default, g4py is installed in <g4py>/lib(64) directory.

How to Use:

Some environment variables are required at run time.


Python module search directories, given by a colon-separated list of directories, like

# export PYTHONPATH=<g4py>/lib64:<g4py>/examples:<g4py>/tests  (zsh, bash)
# setenv PYTHONPATH <g4py>/lib64:<g4py>/examples:<g4py>/tests (csh)

Getting started

You can import Geant4Py modules in Python just like

>>> import Geant4