Geant4 9.6 - patch-01 Release Notes

                                                              1 February 2013

List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.6:

  o Event:
    + Fixed missing deletion of UI command in destructor of G4StackMessenger.
      Addressing problem report #1380.

  o Geometry:
    + navigation:
      o Cleared left-over debug check in G4VoxelNavigation.
        Addressing problem report #1406.
    + solids/specific:
      o Fixed cases of hang-ups in G4ExtrudedSolid on 32-bits platforms, due to
        G4TessellatedSolid and G4SurfVoxelizer, caused by accessing bitmask
        arrays with negative indexes. The problem was related to floating-point
        rounding, which can be different even on same platform with
        debug/release version.
        Assuring same number of computed voxels on 32-bit/64-bit platforms.
        Fixed error in SetVertexIndex() method, which might cause problems on
        certain configurations. Fixed minor memory leaks.
        Code cleanup for use of G4endl and tabs...
      o Fixed condition in G4VTwistSurface::GetBoundaryLimit() for logical
        error. Addressing problem report #1420.

  o Global:
    + Updated date and version for 9.6.p01.

  o Electromagnetic Processes:
    + High Energy:
      o G4eeTo3PiModel: removed printout from destructor.
        Addressing problem report #1404.
      o G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel: fixed min and max energy
        of delta-electron production.
    + Low Energy:
      o G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel: fix addressing problem report #1402.
      o G4UAtomDeexcitation: removed shortcut when Auger is activated.
    + Standard:
      o Fixed signature of SampleScattering() for all multiple-scattering
        models. Addressing problem report #1403.
      o G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95, G4UrbanMscModel96: added limit
        for the main parameter responsible for sampling of scattering tail (fix
        for ATLAS large scattering angle problem).
        Use safer expression in SampleCosineTheta() to avoid numerical problems.
        Extended initialisation at StartTracking() method: class members are
        reset to default values to avoid rare cases of non-reproducibility.
      o G4UrbanMscModel96: optimised tuning of Urban model.       
    + Utils:
      o G4VMultipleScattering, G4VMscModel: fixed signature of method
        SampleScattering(). Use momentum direction from PostStepPoint instead
        of G4DynamicParticle.
        Fixing major bug of migration of multiple-scattering sampling from
        PostStepDoIt() to AlongStepDoIt(), responsible for observed
        mis-behavior in presence of magnetic-field.
        Addressing problem report #1403.

  o Generic Processes:
    + Transportation:
      o Corrected condition for warning message in method AlongStepDoIt()
        of G4Transportation.

  o Hadronic Processes:
    + cross_sections:
      o Fixed memory leak in cross-sections for GetZandACrossSection().
        Addressing problem report #1424.
      o Fixed bug to G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS and added class description.
        Fixed case of non-reproducibility observed with QBBC physics-list:
        consider anti-protons and anti-neutrons as default particles, so that
        they can be used also for anti-hyperons.
      o Fixed several Coverity defects for initialisation of class members.
    + models/coherent_elastic:
      o Fixed conditional statement depending on uninitialised variable.
    + models/de_excitation:
      o Fix in G4ExcitationHandler: if FermiBreakUp returns unchanged 
        fragment then the fragment is decayed by Evaporation instead of
        PhotonEvaporation to avoid production of non-physical isotopes
        like 4H.
    + models/im_r_matrix:
      o Fix in G4Scatterer::GetTimeToInteraction(); one shortcut in the
        calculation of time was missed, as only one of the two particles was
        checked. Physics unchanged, but small performance gain of few percent.
        Addressing problem report #1334.
    + models/inclxx:
      o Updated to INCL++ v5.1.9: removed calls to abort() and exit().
        Addressing problem report #1421.
    + models/neutron_hp:
      o Fixed improper use of abort() in G4NeutronHPThermalScattering.
        Addressing problem report #1421.
    + models/qmd:
      o Fix for logic error in G4QMDGroundStateNucleus::packNucleons().
        Addressing problem report #1418.
    + models/radioactive_decay:
      o G4RadioactiveDecay: force boost of the decay products. The parent
        energy considered in the boost is the total energy of the fully
        stripped parent ion rather than the total energy of dynamic ion
        where the energy of shell electrons is taken into account.
        Some difference in momentum and energy balance is still observed
        but much less than before. Addressing problem report #1359.

  o Materials:
    + G4NistMaterialBuilder: fixed stainless steel parameters, taken from

  o Physics Lists:
    + G4EmStandardPhysics_option4: substituted new low-energy Compton
      model by old LivermoreCompton model to avoid numerical problems 
      in high statistic runs.

  o Tracking:
    + Replaced plain printout to cerr with G4Exception warning in
      Addressing problem report #1421.

  o Examples:
    + Updated reference outputs.
    + advanced/nanobeam:
      o Corrected order and format of inclusion of CLHEP headers.
    + advanced/underground_physics:
      o Fixed case of missing inclusion of units header when analysis activated.
      o Make Auger, fluorescence and PIXE on by default.
        Addressing problem report #1386.
    + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7:
      o G4ScreenedNuclearRecoil: define type and sub-type of process;
        removed inlusion of obsolete header
      o PhysListEmStandardNR: use standard electron ionisation instead 
        of Penelope, use multiple scattering for ions above 100 MeV/u.
      o PhysListEmStandard: use SetEmModel() method.
      o RunAction: delete analysis manager and all histograms at the end of run.
      o c2_function: fixes for variable shadowing.
      o Removed use of obsolete class G4HadronQElasticPhysics.
    + extended/exoticphysics/monopole:
      o Fixed computation of monopole range.


                             Technical Notes

  o  This patch should be applied on top of release 9.6.
  o  Technical notes distributed for release 9.6 are also applicable and
     valid for this patch.

The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.6.p01 are available
through our "Download" Web page:

Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
for further information about using Geant4.