Geant4 7.1 - patch-01 Release Notes

                                                           25 October 2005

List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 7.1:

  o Configuration:
    + Excluded usage of unnecessary 'ranlib' at creation of the libraries
      for WIN32-VC system. Fixes an observed problem of debug-symbols
    + Synchronized CXXFLAGS warning options of WIN32-g++ with Linux-g++.
    + Fixed Configure script for --incflags and --ldflags options.

  o Event:
    + Corrected typo in printout in G4GeneralParticleMessenger.
      Addresses problem report #786.

  o Geometry:
    + navigation
      o G4DrawVoxels: removed unnecessary 'panic' message in
        ComputeVoxelPolyhedra() and some code cleanup.
    + solids/BREPS
      o Fixed problem of double-deletion in G4BREPSolidPolyhedra and
        G4BREPSolidPCone destructors.
    + solids/CSG
      o Fixed bug in G4Sphere::DistanceToOut(p,v): added check for
        intersection with double cone.
      o Fixed bug in G4Para::DistanceToOut(p,v) for the case v.x()<0.
        Following problem report from user posted on Hypernews (#452).
      o Improved implementation for DistanceToIn/Out() in G4Torus to make use
        of G4JTPolynomialSolver for precise calculation of the intersections.
    + solids/specific:
      o Fixed compilation warning on WIN32-VC for

  o Global:
    + G4Allocator: initialise esplicitely data in copy-ctor.
    + G4AllocatorPool: added default dummy argument to ctor to allow for

  o Parameterisations:
    + Added overflow protection in method GenerateRadius() for
      GFlashHomoShowerParamterisation in the 'gflash' module.

  o Particles:
    + Fix to prohibit creation of ions in 'PreInit' state to make sure
      that proper processes will be attached to the ions.

  o Electromagnetic processes:
    + high-energy:
      o Fix a misprint in G4BetheBlochNoDeltaModel and minor cleanup.
    + muons:
      o In all energy loss models return protection against the case
        tmin>tmax (fixes bug report).
      o Fix angular distributions of secondaries and 4-momentum balance
        in G4MuBremsstrahlungModel and G4MuPairProductionModel.
      o Added protection in G4MuPairProductionModel needed for sampling
        of pair energy in the case of low cuts.
    + standard:
      o In all energy loss models return protection against the case
        tmin>tmax (fixes bug report).
      o Fix for initialisation of G4eBremsstrahlungModel.
      o Fix a bug in calculation of chemical correction in G4BraggIonModel
        and fix in G4BraggModel for problem observed when increasing
        precision using standard model and chemical effect.
    + utils:
      o G4VEnergyLossProcess: return number protections against numerical
        imprecision, which were used in version 7.0 and removed in 7.1
        (fixes bug report)
      o Set default lambdaFactor to 0.8 for integral mode (improvement in
        CPU performance for low cuts).
      o G4VEmProcess: use integral mode only for charged particles.
      o G4EmModelManager: fix a cut calculation for the e+e- pair
        production physics process.
      o G4VMultipleScattering: fixed error in a protection in
    + xrays:
      o Changed variable name 'MeanNumPhotons' to 'MeanNumberOfPhotons' in
        G4Scintillation and G4Cerenkov to conform with the documentation in
        the Application Developers Guide.
      o Added G4ProcessType identifier to all processes constructors.

  o Hadronic Processes:
    + management:
      o Correctly set the type of a hadronic process.
        Fixes problem report #744.
    + models/chiral_inv_phase_space/body:
      o Memory leak fix for nuclear mass management in G4QPDGCode to use
        G4 masses of nuclear fragments.
    + models/low_energy:
      o Fix in elastic scattering for the case of target hydrogen: use
        relativistic kinematic for the generation of the final state.
        Fix tested in HARP.
    + stopping:
      o Fixed bug in time of e- produced in bound decay of mu-.

  o Management of processes:
    + Added forward declaration of G4UImessenger in G4ProcessTable header.
      Fixes problem report #768.

  o Optical Processes:
    + Added G4ProcessType identifier to all processes constructors.

  o Run:
    + Removed unnecessary usage of G4Allocator for allocation of a run.

  o Tracking:
    + Fix in G4SteppingManager::InvokeAlongStepDoItProcs() for problem
      report #761.
    + Fix in G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength() for the order
      of execution of 'ExclusivelyForced' processes like Fast-Simulation.
      Problem reported and fixed in CMS and ATLAS.

  o Physics lists:
    + hadronic: corrected text for the installation in README.

  o Examples:
    + Updated reference outputs.
    + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm9
      o Fixed problem for changing cuts between runs.
    + extendedeventgenerator/exgps
      o Fixed GNUMakefile for linking with AIDA on WIN32-VC.
        Fixes problem report #767.
    + extended/medical/GammaTherapy
      o Added vis.mac and histogram type (aida, root, hbook).
      o Use standard angular distribution for low-energy PhotoElectric.
    + extended/persistency
      o Added missing EXTRALIBS to link list for specialised setup.
    + extended/radioactivedecay/exrdm
      o Fixed GNUMakefile for linking with AIDA on WIN32-VC.
        Fixes problem report #767.
    + novice/N03
      o RunAction: compute and print statistic at the end of the run.


                             Technical Notes

  o  This patch should be applied on top of release 7.1.
  o  Technical notes distributed for release 7.1 are also applicable and
     valid for this patch.

The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 7.1 are available through
our "Source Code" Web page:

Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
for further information about using Geant4.