#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Top Level CMakeLists.txt for Geant4 Build # # 21st September 2010 Ben Morgan # # $Id: CMakeLists.txt 97459 2016-06-03 09:28:04Z gcosmo $ # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Enforce an out-of-source builds before anything else # if(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) message(STATUS "Geant4 requires an out-of-source build.") message(STATUS "Please remove these files from ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} first:") message(STATUS "CMakeCache.txt") message(STATUS "CMakeFiles") message(STATUS "Once these files are removed, create a separate directory") message(STATUS "and run CMake from there") message(FATAL_ERROR "in-source build detected") endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Define CMake requirements and override make rules as needed # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3 FATAL_ERROR) # - Any policy requirements should go here set(CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE_CXX ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Project definition and basic configuration # project(Geant4) # - Versioning. We do this here for now set(${PROJECT_NAME}_VERSION "10.2.2") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_VERSION_MAJOR "10") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_VERSION_MINOR "2") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_VERSION_PATCH "2") # - Prepend our own CMake Modules to the search path # NB: if our custom modules include others that we don't supply, those in # the base path will be used, so watch for incompatibilities!! # set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Add functionality provided by standard and custom modules # See the documentation in each of these modules for further details. # # - Provide dependent options as these are needed for some Geant4 features include(CMakeDependentOption) # - Provide general CMake utilities for Geant4. include(Geant4MacroUtilities) # - Provide an 'uninstall' target. include(CMakeUninstallTarget) # - Provide the 'validate_sources' target. include(Geant4ValidateSources) # - Provide standard install directories permitting customization. include(Geant4InstallDirs) # - Provide options to control how Geant4 libraries are built include(Geant4LibraryBuildOptions) # - Provide interface to control use of optional components include(Geant4OptionalComponents) # - Provide interface to control use of UI/Vis components # Written in a separate module from other optional components because # there are many complex options to handle. include(Geant4InterfaceOptions) # - Provide options to enable wrapping of Geant4 by other languages include(Geant4Wrapping) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the source and environments subdirectories # source : Process all the Geant4 core targets # environments : Process optional wrappings of Geant4 (NOTYETIMPLEMENTED) add_subdirectory(source) #add_subdirectory(environments) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Perform all post build tasks # At the CMake level, this simply means that we must know about targets # and other properties processed in source and environments trees before # these tasks can be performed. # # - Installation of optional read-only architecture independent data files. # E.g. Examples, data libraries, documentation. # Done before toolchain generation because it may affect what we have to do # there! # include(Geant4InstallData) # - Generate any Use/Config/Support files here once everything else has # been processed e.g. "UseGeant4.cmake", "Geant4Config.cmake", library # dependencies etc. # - Geant4Make include(Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility) # - 'geant4-config' include(Geant4ConfigureConfigScript) # - Geant4Config.cmake include(Geant4BuildProjectConfig) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Testing configuration. # Done here, as projects under 'tests' require Geant4Config. if(GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING) include(Geant4CTest) add_subdirectory(tests) if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/benchmarks) add_subdirectory(benchmarks) endif() endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Examples build/install # NB: Build of examples is a *testing* proceedure. It is *not* intended # that examples be built and installed as part of a full Geant4 install. if(GEANT4_BUILD_EXAMPLES) set(Geant4_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} CACHE PATH "Current build directory") add_subdirectory(examples) endif() # - Install example code to datarootdir install(DIRECTORY examples DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/Geant4-${Geant4_VERSION} COMPONENT Examples PATTERN "CVS" EXCLUDE PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - CPack-aging include(Geant4CPackBase) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final output - show what's been enabled so that user knows what's # happening - also useful for later problem solving! # GEANT4_PRINT_ENABLED_FEATURES()